Eating dried buds. Any Good???


Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about an incident that happened to me years ago. I was 17 years old and a friend of mine had just come back from a vacation with his parents to Kentucky. He came back with an ounce of some fine outdoor funk. I am sure that it had a name but I cant remember. He sold me a quarter of this funk. Two days later I was driving to the river to go fishing and I took a couple of grams of this bud with me. On the way to the river I heard a siren and realized I was getting pulled over. As I was only 17 I kind of freaked out and took my jar and ate the couple of buds I had with me. I washed them down with some ginger ale. I ended up just getting a warning from the cop about speeding in the area as there was a crash a few days before where a woman died. So I figured I just wasted some of this good weed because I was high and I freaked a little bit. So I go to my fishing spot on the river and I see a friend and tell him the story. He tells me to get ready to get fucked up. I had no clue just how fucked up I would get. I got HIGH. REAL HIGH. So my question is this---Is eating buds bad for you in any way?? I have had brownies and other edibles made from hash oil but I have never even heard of anyone just munching down some buds. Anyone else eat buds and get FUCKED UP?


Active Member
lol no ive heard ppl eating blunts and shit aha also getting a little body high thats all. but if u eat brownies or something EEEEEEEk lol


Well-Known Member
Back in history, it was common for people to eat hashish. Think "thugees" and also creative folk from the mid 1800s. Eating dry buds is essentially not too different. There is some chemical change that comes from the heat from smoking...but I'm a little vague on the details. I'm thinking you get a higher high from smoking. Eating w/o cooking is probably not the most efficient method of ingestion and can't taste that good...but in a pinch, it definitely works.


Well-Known Member
Yea like johndee said, it might give a slight body stone but smoking it will definitely give a better more potent high. The chemicals are most active at a certain temperature so it's pretty much a waste to eat them straight. You could however make canna butter/oil and make a number of edibles.
1. Get a quarter of chronic and grind it up
2. Buy a brownie mix ( i usually pick the one that calls for the most oil)
3. Put the oil in a small sauce pan and place on stove range.
4. Turn the range on almost as low as it goes. Too high and you'll waste the batch.
5. Put a cover on the pan and let it cook/simmer for 2-3 hours. (Some say shorter, some say longer. I go 3 hours)
6. Once time is up, take your pan of weed oil mix and strain it. The best way to do this is with a coffee filter. You want to squeeze every past drop of oil from the weed.
7. Once it's strained and you have clean oil, just mix in with brownie mix according to the directions on the box and bake as the box says.
8. Once they're done your ready to eat. They're best fresh. Eat one, you'll be stoned. Eat two you'll be fried for hours. Eat three and you'll think you took some other crazy drug.


Well-Known Member
In my younger days when I was what I called myself a "hash freak", I used to eat it, it did give a body stone which lasted longer than smoking it, much diff than smoking, never tried buds tho.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ya'll. I was just stoned and thinking about it. I have made brownies before but I don't like the taste of cannabutter/oil. Im going to try some BHO Tootsie Rolls. They are said to taste like the CheebaChews. Sounds good to me. And easy to make. ! bag of small tootsie rolls. 10grams of BHO and a few tablespoons of condensed milk in a crock pot until everything is mixed. Place in greased pyrex pan and cool. Cut and eat. Depending on how good the BHO is you could get a lot of doses out of this recipe.


Well-Known Member
One of the guys I know in the Michigan mmj forum grinds up his high cbd cannabis, puts it in large gel caps, and pops 'em. Says they work great for all day relief.


Well-Known Member
Back in history, it was common for people to eat hashish. Think "thugees" and also creative folk from the mid 1800s. Eating dry buds is essentially not too different. There is some chemical change that comes from the heat from smoking...but I'm a little vague on the details. I'm thinking you get a higher high from smoking. Eating w/o cooking is probably not the most efficient method of ingestion and can't taste that good...but in a pinch, it definitely works.

^nice bit of history... and the original term Assassin was derived from the word Ḥashshāshīn which were thugee's who would kill for their god.. generally using strangulation as to not spill the blood of their victims...

I have seen a youtube vid where a kid eats hash disc's plain.. he suffers from seizures or something and it stopped it.. generally people who are wanting to eat MJ do it for the psychoactive effects which is what decarbing and cooking in MJ will do.. just eating MJ plain probably wont get you the "buzz" but it may stop some of the pain or symptoms..