Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about an incident that happened to me years ago. I was 17 years old and a friend of mine had just come back from a vacation with his parents to Kentucky. He came back with an ounce of some fine outdoor funk. I am sure that it had a name but I cant remember. He sold me a quarter of this funk. Two days later I was driving to the river to go fishing and I took a couple of grams of this bud with me. On the way to the river I heard a siren and realized I was getting pulled over. As I was only 17 I kind of freaked out and took my jar and ate the couple of buds I had with me. I washed them down with some ginger ale. I ended up just getting a warning from the cop about speeding in the area as there was a crash a few days before where a woman died. So I figured I just wasted some of this good weed because I was high and I freaked a little bit. So I go to my fishing spot on the river and I see a friend and tell him the story. He tells me to get ready to get fucked up. I had no clue just how fucked up I would get. I got HIGH. REAL HIGH. So my question is this---Is eating buds bad for you in any way?? I have had brownies and other edibles made from hash oil but I have never even heard of anyone just munching down some buds. Anyone else eat buds and get FUCKED UP?