Thanks for the heads up friend, though I'm well aware. I'll be using some extra spawn I make regularly for supplemented sawdust blocks, cheap and headache-free. If I can I'll look for the publication I read where someone grew veggies from a few different beds: some inoculated with mushies (stropharia?) and some not. The inoculated beds not only produced more veggies but a fungi crop as well. Finding that may not be headache-free though~
Thanks again and aloha
I read somewhere that one can also use this oyster mushroom myzels for CO2 production. Somehow mix it with some stuff and fill in a bucket, but it's been too long ago and I don't remember what's used at the end.
Where can I get mushroom myceliums? I would be interested in making my own CO2 buckets.
Does one of you know how to do that?
Yeah, co2 is the biproduct of mycelium breaking down their food source.
Problem is they want darkness when your growing and like room temp or a bit lower or mold has a better chance of winning the race for sterile spawn in your jar
To me it seems like those fungi co2 bags you hand would probably dry up and stop pretty quick . Never tried them though.
You can buy pre made mushroom spawn of many different species , a quick Google search in your country should do the trick, try to ensure their reputable.
Cant really help much as I've never even tried to grow mushrooms while growing cannabis. It's enough work keeping the girls happy let alone pressure cooking , bottling, doing sterile technique in front of a flow hood. And hoping everything doesn't go to shit on you...
Kudos for all the work you do.
Naa., you'll be sweetElectrical timer failed on me last night... Had my lights on for 6 hours after they were supposed to go out. I can only pray to the weed gods at this point, I'll get a picture in when the lights get back on. They're looking great, hoping this slip up doesn't ruin it for me.