EB Strips, Dirt, and Weeds

:hug:Thanks guys and aloha dito27, thankfully I'm done shivering out of my skin while sweating... So there's a lot to be happy about haha!

RandomBlame is right though, I'd probably be more disappointed if I had left the lights on~
Hey man just to let you know as an ex commercial mushroom grower , you may be able to get some oyster mushrooms started. But humidity needs to be high high high, and Trichaderma green mold is very beneficial to plants but its a mushroom growers worst enemy.. It will be very hard to keep green mold off your living cover crop and I'm sure someone's got it to work for some amount of time.... But your asking for troubles especially if your not very familiar with sterile technique and growing mushrooms haha their very susceptible to mold and they need a very specific atmosphere or they start growing weird.

For instance if you grow rieshi and the co2 levels or humidity are off they keep trying to revert back to mycelium then into their mushroom form and end up looking pretty rediculous :)

Figured I might be able to save you a big headache for next to no fucking results.

Good luck sir and subbed!
Thanks for the heads up friend, though I'm well aware. I'll be using some extra spawn I make regularly for supplemented sawdust blocks, cheap and headache-free. If I can I'll look for the publication I read where someone grew veggies from a few different beds: some inoculated with mushies (stropharia?) and some not. The inoculated beds not only produced more veggies but a fungi crop as well. Finding that may not be headache-free though~

Thanks again and aloha
Thanks for the heads up friend, though I'm well aware. I'll be using some extra spawn I make regularly for supplemented sawdust blocks, cheap and headache-free. If I can I'll look for the publication I read where someone grew veggies from a few different beds: some inoculated with mushies (stropharia?) and some not. The inoculated beds not only produced more veggies but a fungi crop as well. Finding that may not be headache-free though~

Thanks again and aloha

King stropharia, the Garden giant Aka the wine cap mushroom.

I think you'll have an easier time with this.

Also you may want to grow trees to get enough time to establish and utilize a myclelium network.

Did you say you make spawn regularly, and grow weed?

Congratulations on your enormous effort to keep your sterile technique in tact. I know your pain. I have a 24x24x5.8inch hepa filter just begging for a fan and some wood.

Very interested how this goes. Are you a glove box, flow hood or fuck it open air type of grower?
I've got a 12"x12" flowhood I built and it sucks working in front of something so small but it works. I do make spawn regularly but really that's only once a month these days.

Whether or not the plants and mycelium will work directly together in this time frame is beyond me. However, a mulch layer with oyster mycelium ripping through it and potentially fruiting I believe will have its own beneficial effects: functioning as a mulch and creating its own biome.That would add biodiversity and ultimately nutrients to the soil.

What really goes down? We will have to wait and see if I can manage to carry this out~

I read somewhere that one can also use this oyster mushroom myzels for CO2 production. Somehow mix it with some stuff and fill in a bucket, but it's been too long ago and I don't remember what's used at the end.
Where can I get mushroom myceliums? I would be interested in making my own CO2 buckets.
Does one of you know how to do that?

I read somewhere that one can also use this oyster mushroom myzels for CO2 production. Somehow mix it with some stuff and fill in a bucket, but it's been too long ago and I don't remember what's used at the end.
Where can I get mushroom myceliums? I would be interested in making my own CO2 buckets.
Does one of you know how to do that?

Yeah, co2 is the biproduct of mycelium breaking down their food source.

Problem is they want darkness when your growing and like room temp or a bit lower or mold has a better chance of winning the race for sterile spawn in your jar

To me it seems like those fungi co2 bags you hand would probably dry up and stop pretty quick . Never tried them though.

You can buy pre made mushroom spawn of many different species , a quick Google search in your country should do the trick, try to ensure their reputable.

Cant really help much as I've never even tried to grow mushrooms while growing cannabis. It's enough work keeping the girls happy let alone pressure cooking , bottling, doing sterile technique in front of a flow hood. And hoping everything doesn't go to shit on you...

Kudos for all the work you do.
Yeah, co2 is the biproduct of mycelium breaking down their food source.

Problem is they want darkness when your growing and like room temp or a bit lower or mold has a better chance of winning the race for sterile spawn in your jar

To me it seems like those fungi co2 bags you hand would probably dry up and stop pretty quick . Never tried them though.

You can buy pre made mushroom spawn of many different species , a quick Google search in your country should do the trick, try to ensure their reputable.

Cant really help much as I've never even tried to grow mushrooms while growing cannabis. It's enough work keeping the girls happy let alone pressure cooking , bottling, doing sterile technique in front of a flow hood. And hoping everything doesn't go to shit on you...

Kudos for all the work you do.

Thank you for your prompt reply, bro.
In my imagination, I'll take a black 5l bucket with sealed lid, attach a hose to the lid, which is clamped to the back of the box fan. So the CO2 is distributed directly! The bucket sits on the ground, so in the shade, and the temperature in this area lie at ~ 18° with lights off and 22°C when lights on.
The mushroom mycelium and its food come into the bucket and can be kept slightly moist if needed. I think you must add some water to start the commercial buckets and they produce CO² for around 3 month. Probably I'll buy one of those buckets from 4mazon or somewhere else and look at what's in it.
Maybe I can do "refill packs" at a fraction of the cost myself, then I'd be happy.
Yeah I'd be interested in a co2 meter test

The heat would be harsh too

Seems like alot of work. I picked up a 20!b co2 can for 200 bucks
and regulator for 100
Timer 15 bucks
Refills 50/bi monthly
Interesting. Not sure how a bucket like described works, but I do know CO2 is a byproduct from the mushy lifecycle (including spawn run). Personally I will probably be incubating bags in my grow room (not tent) in the months to come.

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They didn't get to burn through the extra water in their pots with the lights off... Doesn't help that my mix is definitely lacking some aeration so I'm thinking that's one of the reasons behind the claws (also my fan to push air around the tent wasn't working properly). This pic was immediately after the lights came on, they perked up during the on cycle.
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Pic with the lights off... Only that big one in the back has problems that I'm working on, everyone else (in the same mix) is green to the bottom... Except the variegated one in the corner of course. Mixed another batch of soil for the small ones, added a load of perlite to compensate for my boggy mixture. Still slacking big time, I don't have any biochar in my mixes and I haven't taken my lazy ass to the store for neem/silica. Aloha friends
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Aaand were back. Oldest plant that had yellowing problems went full on hermie, hopefully not a sign of things to come as these are all from the same batch of seeds. Nevertheless, that she-man was removed before any damage was done and replaced by a plant that was kicked out of the tent a few days ago (sat outside). Everyone else seems to be doing good though. Going to be cranking the lights all the way up here soon and I'm planning on running some Bodhi gear and Mosca's C99 next round with my "fixed" dirt mix.

Always excited for the future.... Aloha
Electrical timer failed on me last night... Had my lights on for 6 hours after they were supposed to go out. I can only pray to the weed gods at this point, I'll get a picture in when the lights get back on. They're looking great, hoping this slip up doesn't ruin it for me.
Thanks Mo and co~ Sorry for the MIA, that pesky life deal always gets in the way... Heres a pic from a day ago. Sucks but I'm owning up to chopping off one of the girls main buds due to mold. I've since added another fan and dehumidifier, not achieving the right rh% still... Gotta fix that. Mix is nitro heavy and I mistook the discoloration as lack of N :dunce:, the lack of aeration has compounded and the mix is compacting... Hoping to pull some off anyhow... Need to step my game up next round, I'm excited to do that with a revamped mix, bodhi beans and a new dehumidifier. Future looks good, even if these clawed beasts dont :mrgreen:
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