ebb and grow when do i move rockwool cubes to pots w hydroton?

ebb and grow when do i move rockwool cubes to pots w hydroton?

i have a 12 site ebb and grow i know i shouldnt sart nutes for awhile but is it ok to move rockwool cubes to pots and run system or will i drown my babies? the babies came from seeds and are 3 days old about 2 inches tall


Well-Known Member
Only use water till plants are 4" tal then start nute solution at 250ppm. When using rockwall regularly flush system between nute changes with a low-strength nute solution to prevent salt buildup. Eventually get to about 800-1300ppm strength nute solution.


Active Member
Put your babies and run the system leave it with no nutes for now add a low dose in a week or 2.
Is there a reason why you posted this on multiple forums AND multiple sections of every forum? I've seen this post on THREE different sections on this site. I hope you don't get any answers. Seriously, FIGURE OUT WHERE TO POST, THINK, then post it in the correct section. :peace:


Well-Known Member
ebb and grow when do i move rockwool cubes to pots w hydroton?

i have a 12 site ebb and grow i know i shouldnt sart nutes for awhile but is it ok to move rockwool cubes to pots and run system or will i drown my babies? the babies came from seeds and are 3 days old about 2 inches tall
When they all have roots coming out of the bottom, put them in the system.

Initially flood twice a day, when they get a little bigger, flood 3 or 4 times a day.


Well-Known Member
Put your babies and run the system leave it with no nutes for now add a low dose in a week or 2.
This is an important point too: Run them with low nutes once you put them in the hydroton until you see roots coming out the bottoms of the pots, then turn the nutes up to 500 or 600 PPM

Plants with roots can handle nutes


Active Member
I suggest reading Al B Fuct sticky on harvest every 2 weeks. He knows also about ebb and Flow. Personally I take my rock wool cubes, that are two week old clones, stick them in 6 inch pots of hydroton and put them in the ebb and flow system with full nutes. Works for me, but everyone has their own opinions. :peace: