Ebb & Flow Journal


Well-Known Member
wow, lots of info, thanks Al. looks like you read my whole journal (or just the important parts) and i appreciate that.

the whole op is a work in progress, i add whatever i can whenever i have spare money. ill start looking for some cheap meters and i already have a thermostat. for the next batch of plants im just going to buy clones from the dispensery because i cant take clones anymore.
ill keep a few mothers vegging when i have the next batch.

any yes, youre right, i did veg for way too long. the plants i have now are like 2-3 feet tall and only the top 8 inches or so produces nice buds. im going to have alot of smaller buds, but at least i know now for next time.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
fadrian, I did read the whole thread, but admittedly it was a bit late in the evening after a long day for me. I was harvesting all day- and I get a little cross-eyed after about eight continuous hours of manicuring. Apologies if I've missed any critical details.

Don't go cheap on the meters. Buy well- and you'll buy only once.

On-the-job-training is the very best way to learn this art. An online journal is a great thing because you can track back several weeks and connect the dots- and others can help you. For security reasons, it's not a good thing to keep a paper notebook in your grow room. You don't need to leave any evidence sitting about to be collected by LEO in the very worst of worst nightmare cases.

Cannabis is a very manipulable plant. The SoG method is the best meeting I've so far found of the technical facilities with the growing characters of cannabis. I know you're going that route next time.

Great that you've got an easy source of known female clones from the dispensary. Beats having to start from seed and sex your mother plants- all which is very time consuming.


Well-Known Member
day 50, 29 into flowering:

buds are getting fatter by the day, looking great. however, there are some almost gold spots on some of my leaves, one of the pictures shows an overhead view. what is that?
also, the tips of the hairs on some of my snowcap buds are turning dark. i think i should wait a little and check again but its either turning grey (mold?) or the tips are turning colors eventually to amber. couldnt get a picture cus my cameras messed up, but i heard snowcap has mold issues.

added mollasses to the res. and will continue using it for the next three weeks.

i made some homemade co2 using skunkushybird's thread as a guide but haven't put it in there yet. my growroom gets around 90-93 during peak daylight hours and i have 6 fans on it. 2 bring air, 2 out (70 cfm i think) one household fan blowing air in on high, and a small oscillating fan circulating air. if i were to turn the ventilation off and put co2 in, i think it would get wayyy too hot. so im thinking of putting in the co2 gallon jug in there at night.



Well-Known Member
would pruning some of that bush benefit my grow at all or would it stunt growth?

it's really thick and alot of the midheight buds arent looking that promising


Well-Known Member
checked my res today and it was so bad. the water looked muddy and there were clusters of foamy shit starting to form on the surface, i dont know if it was the molasses i added a few days ago or the co2 ive been giving them at night recently. when i have the co2 in i also keep a small oscillating fan on and a fan blowing in fresh air, all other fans have been off.

has anyone had this happen to them or know what it could be?


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure your just suppose to clean the res out every so often cause the nutes just build up along the walls.


Well-Known Member
about to begin week 7, today is day 41 of flower.

within the next couple of day im going to start using water only.
would it be ok to use molasses and water or water only when flushing for harvest?

my snocap (the pictures of the cola with alot of thick hairs) wont be done for a while longer, is it gonna hurt to start giving them water so early? i cant seperate them theyre all in the same tray.



Well-Known Member
harvesting today, been 56 days and i think the c4s ready. im only gonna cut down the main colas and let the smaller buds go for maybe another week. also, thinkin about drying out the buds in a cardboard box with a fan blowing on it. advice?

ill holla with some pics later today


Well-Known Member
k so i never got those pics like i said, sorry

i harvested once a week ago and again yesterday because the snocap took longer to finish.

here are pics from the first cut - 3 oz. 20 grams
theyre curing now. sorry for the bad manicure

i left the nug to dry upstairs, which i think got too hot cause when i manicured them again and transfered to jars the buds were super dry. the sample i took crumbled (perfect for a blunt). i put them in jars and took them out again later that day and they were not nearly as crumbly anymore, so hopefully the curing process brings some life back into the buds.

other than that im completely happy with the turnout. they smell great and theyre sticky as hell.



Well-Known Member
second harvest went down yesterday, no weight yet but here is what's in store.

all the nug from this cut is snocap with the exception of alot of the lower c4 buds (which i let flower longer hoping theyd pack on some mass).

i think were lookin at somewhere from 3-4 oz. dried




Well-Known Member
looks good man! did u end up building that box to dry them in with a fan?? just curious because i was going to build one too.. with a carbon filter and have it blowing air out with passive air intake pulling air in..
is this a good way to dry?


Well-Known Member
i didnt, partly because im too lazy and partly because i dont know how to make a heatsink yet.

instead, i kept them in an upstairs room where its dark but still gets hotter than room temp. i didnt really moniter the temps so i think it got too hot, cus like i said earlier my buds crumbled. i kept them up there for 5 days, put them in a normal closet for 2, and now theyre curing and looking alot healthier.

i dont know how good of a way it is to dry since this is my first time, but you can draw your own conclusions from my results.
i think im gonna take my time and dry them normally for now at least. i dont want my buds too look like they did.


Well-Known Member
1 week of drying and almost a week of curing - buds are no longer dry, theyve compacted a bit and smell and taste better.

the c4 looks like ..



Well-Known Member
Well, Your making me want one of those damn hydrohuts. awesome fucking grow, truly inspired again to finish this project after reading your whole grow journal. Good stuff


Well-Known Member

is it cus it makes the resivoirs dirty or what?
i dont know if it was the molasses but i got a pretty bad bug infestation towards the end of my grow. a bunch of little flies or gnats - all over.


Well-Known Member
in hydro molasses messes everything up.
a. glogs all tubes holes nooks and crannys
b. it can glod ur roots "arteries"
c. brings unwanted pests

so argo molasses in hydro setup would make everything shut down, including your plants. ask any experienced hydro grower on here they will tell you the same thing.