Ebb & Flow table + Soil bags = ? re Nutrients


A old friend from Cali just had to move back here to my state.
We allow medical here and he is starting to set up a room as am I (yes, we both have our legal paperwork and all).

While talking he was saying how he uses soil in bags on an Ebb & Flow table... Said CO2 is a MUST

Can someone explain the process to me?
How often do you flood?
What kind of bags do you use? Pre mix or what is your mix?
Do you need to transplant or can you run them the same pot veg and flowering?
What kind of nutrients?
Doesn't soil end up in the table and reservoir?

I am truly intrigued.
He does produce some of the best medicine I have had
in the area without a doubt!

He goes from clone to flower and lollipops....

I really think Id rather veg though and use a net to bend instead though.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
i have read of this. Flood every few days or so. Got to work it out. Makes a mess too so screens and filters are needed. not a lot of air can get to the roots in soil. Peat moss and hydro nutes would work better.

The more air the more growth. DWC gets the most growth.