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Well-Known Member
HR, very nice work there, cant wait to see them in a month!

No Swag you are in the right place to learn about growing in bubbles. HR and other here will help for sure!

I-MJ, where do I sub??? Very nice and clean set up!!!




Well-Known Member
nice, setup HR, very clean, once me and the lady buy a house this is what ill be wanting, 2 bloom rooms and a side of veg, hehhehe, i could split up my 8x8, but we just veges at my bros house in the spare bathroom


Active Member
Anyone have any advise, I got a issue with flooding. I'm using the titan oceanous 1 flo grow 10 buckets only have my res.filled to 35 gallons,but for some reason its not shuting down when its full its over filling the buckets. It seems the sensor is clogged or not working, i have removed some water down to about 28 gallons to keep this from happening but it took 3 times of flood and clean up before i found the problem.

should i mail the company and request a new brain or is it another problem would a float shut off be the route to go?

basically been up 55 hours working on this and not thinking straight just hoping someone can help point me in right direction

need to know any other details just ask 2nd week of flower and it worked fine all through veg.

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Outstanding growing and cloning HR !
A lil jealous about that 50 for 50 on the clones rooting too ! lmao


Well-Known Member
Seriously I would blow up their phones until I got my shit working. lol. My controller unit got fucked up 3 seperate times, and I had to ship it back each time. The fourth time I literally drove down to the place and replaced it with the newest model they had. And I got a free shirt :) lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol, I was pissed off dude. Fuckin flooded 36 plants 3 seperate times.. Didn't catch any of them in time. Needless to say that batch of plants died... lol
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