Ebb n Grow: Quick question


Well-Known Member
yep unlike rockwool its basically trash after you cut the plant... in the long run hydroton is cheaper and more reliable and use full.


Well-Known Member
when i used hydroton it made "sand" but my pump still works, insted of raiseing the pot of the smaller plants put a screen over the larger ones, sog


Well-Known Member
yeah you should rinse them out very thoroughly to get as much out as you can. thats what i did. but i still prefer them over everything else


Well-Known Member
My big deal is rooting in at least in rw. rooting cuttings. i prob just being noob with this hang uos or rather some sorta subconscious defense mechanism against spendign money as i have over 100 dollars in rockwool i got foe 20 bucks but i dont want the rooots to get damaged in dwc or sero cloning when i move a clone. if i clone in rockwool then then roots protected. i have used a faster dry media before and i had great reslts. i used hydrton and tire mulch. charm. i went to rw after reading a ton about it.
You know studies have shown that the best media is actually lava rock. seriously. although pores i think. sharp edges steer most people away.
i had a grwoth explsoion of pure green. it is beautiful, in my rw. 4 in cubes with mibi cubes ti fill rest of pot. i am watering less. i am trying every 3 days to see if they can make it. i hit every 2 day and wow. explosion. 4 in cubes hold more oxygen than minicubes do so i used them and mini cubes to make uo the diference. very habdysystem.


Well-Known Member
from what ive heard they are good but they hold to much moister when you move them into a flood tray because they get watered every 2 or 3 hours or so. i use the rooter cubes they work awsome


Well-Known Member
i water every couple of days. an inch and a half up the pot, maybe 2. I flood 11 gallons to water 2 inchs up in a 3x3 tray. I did the calculations with a nice formula I found. They stay wet forever so i fig let them dry now. Plus as they dry they draw in air. The drier I let them go the faster the growth I see. This is nothing like hydroton where i watered every few hours. I flood every three nights. I have seen one guy who floods once a week.


Well-Known Member
I personally do not like rock wool for that reason.......It holds in moisture way to long(for my standards) and When they are wet forever you can get diseases like root rot which I had just experienced with rock wool last month and is very prone to getting algae and I'm not too good with all that I can just kill the diseases. To each his own!