My big deal is rooting in at least in rw. rooting cuttings. i prob just being noob with this hang uos or rather some sorta subconscious defense mechanism against spendign money as i have over 100 dollars in rockwool i got foe 20 bucks but i dont want the rooots to get damaged in dwc or sero cloning when i move a clone. if i clone in rockwool then then roots protected. i have used a faster dry media before and i had great reslts. i used hydrton and tire mulch. charm. i went to rw after reading a ton about it.
You know studies have shown that the best media is actually lava rock. seriously. although pores i think. sharp edges steer most people away.
i had a grwoth explsoion of pure green. it is beautiful, in my rw. 4 in cubes with mibi cubes ti fill rest of pot. i am watering less. i am trying every 3 days to see if they can make it. i hit every 2 day and wow. explosion. 4 in cubes hold more oxygen than minicubes do so i used them and mini cubes to make uo the diference. very habdysystem.