EC dropping Pretty fast?


White widow 5th week of veg and I'm puzzled with the reading everyday, sometimes i see a drop in ph sometimes rises, the drop/rise within 24hrs, sometimes almost steady and the other thing is, i reached to 1.4 of EC, using flora series 5mL Micro, 5 gro, 2.5 bloom per gallon, and i add rhizotonic + diamond nectar to the the mix.. 8mL rhizotonic per gallon 11mL diamond nectar and the EC drops so quick, i changed the rez 1 day ago and today it's .9 , it's a 1 gallon rez and i add ice cubes everyday and top off the rez with cold bottled water to decrease the rez temp down to 19C ... is it possible because of topping off so the rez is diluted?! or maybe because i have so much light's in the room? 1 600watts MH , 1 150WATTS MH , 3 105watts cfl's and 2 85watts cfls... the room temp is between 23-26C and Humidity 39-40's


Well-Known Member
just making sure u calibrated your meters? a lot of old school people i know hate meters, and use dip strips... i think what ur supposed to use is called "buffer solution" or something... but this should help u make sure its not your meter. just hoping i could help


ph meter is calibrated, ec meter is i believe it's electronically self-calibrating, i got this one..

just making sure u calibrated your meters? a lot of old school people i know hate meters, and use dip strips... i think what ur supposed to use is called "buffer solution" or something... but this should help u make sure its not your meter. just hoping i could help


Well-Known Member
alls i'm saying is make sure u check that that is on point first, doesnt sound like you check it every two weeks like i read ur supposed to. i think salts can build up on your stick making it not work proper. and if it isnt that you at least know what's going wrong


New Member
First off the smaller your reservoir the bigger swing you will have with your ec or ppm. Active plants want that flucuation in ph as long as it stays within the range of the medium. Try using a larger container for your reservoir and try to find a feeding cycle that keeps you in the proper ph range going in and comming out.

The natural progression of ph will allow your plant to go through the scale uptaking nutes at a certain ph so if you keep your ph stable at a certain point the plants will only absorb the nutes available at that range. Doing this wil not only screw your ratio's up but can cause lock out.


Active Member
Adding ice cubes And cold bottled water is your problem Don't do that anymore!!! It will deffently change ph and EC!!! Freeze bottles of water and put those in your rez if you need to bring the temp down! A bigger rez would help a lot too!! You don't need to keep temps cool 100% of the time! My rez normally runs around 72-73, I add frozen bottles of water every other day which bring it down to 65 for a couple hours and have no problems! Just to be safe, try to bring your rez temp down to 65-68 once a day and you should be fine!! Good luck!!!