ec help

so i have some silver pearl in week four of flower.

2000 watts
dehumidifier with humidity at 45
temp controle with a range of 70-75
water chiller 69.f
ph 6.0
ec .59

plants wont eat. show signs of burn. leafs are dieing as shown in the pic.

how can i have both nutrient burn and a low ec. and why wont my plants eat anything?


Well-Known Member
shouldnt your ec be around 2.0 in week 4 flower? then reduce to around 1.5 ending flower??

when did you last flush?

what nute schedule have you been using?



Well-Known Member
As Jondamon asked.... When did you last flush out your plant medium???. You may want to do this on a regular basis. This will help for sure.
