EC, How Do I Adjust To Proper EC & Nutrient Question

Mr. Snow

Hello. Thanks for reading...

First I should tell you what nutrients I am using.

General Hydroponics - FloraGro
" - FloraMicro
" - FloraBloom
" - Diamond Nectar
Advanced Nutrients - Carbo Load
" - Big Bud
" - Overdrive

Let me give you an example of the nutrients in a week. Data from GHE iPhone app.

Per 10 Litres
FloraGro - 6.6 ml
FloraMicro - 6.6 ml
FloraBloom - 6.6 ml
Diamond Nectar - 13.2 ml

Just as an example. Supposing the EC of the solution I have just written was 5.7 EC, I wanted to get the EC lower, I would simple add water until the EC was lower?

But if I wanted to get the EC higher?

Can anyone explain this to me simply, because I don't want to be able to only mix in a 10 litre bucket. I need to be mixing 5 litre or 1 litre (or smaller) measurements that will increase around 50 PPM or 0.5 EC so my system is fine tuned and can easily be adjusted.

I also have another question relating to my nutrients. I know when my EC goes high it means plants are taking up more nutrients in comparison to water.

So if this is constantly happening I need to adjust my feed levels. however the lower details showing advanced nutrients Carbo Load, Big Bud and Overdrive are the maximum dosage ratio.

Given the info above, how would one going about working out what I would need to do to increase my feed, and decrease my feed if necessary?

This is a weeks feed late in flower. Instructions from GHE iphone app and Advanced Nutrients website.

Per 10 Litres
FloraGro - 13.2 ml
FloraMicro - 26.4 ml
FloraBloom - 39.6 ml
Diamond Nectar - 0
Carbo Load - 10 ml
Big Bud - 20 ml
Overdrive - 20 ml

Is this feeding chart to heavy?

Any & all info back is awesome, thanks.

Mr. Snow

No not yet, I will in a few weeks. I just choose the more complicated of weeks in terms of amount of different nutes to 10 litres.


Well-Known Member
Not what seeds what system? Medium, lighting , what do you plan to grow them in and what kind of experience do you have with hydro?

And Peace to you brother


Active Member
General Hydroponics - FloraGro
" - FloraMicro
" - FloraBloom
" - Diamond Nectar
Advanced Nutrients - Carbo Load
" - Big Bud
" - Overdrive

solution I have just written was 5.7 EC
General Hydroponics - FloraGro--Yes
" - FloraMicro--Yes
" - FloraBloom--Yes
" - Diamond Nectar--Useless....get some good bacteria and don't worry about humic acid. It is a naturally occurring by product of degradation of organic material (I use big bloom from fox farm which is all organic...I filter it to remove the turbidity though).
Advanced Nutrients - Carbo Load--Useless (and extremely overpriced IMO)...the only reason you should put sugar in your rez is to feed your bacteria (I use flora nectar for this)...I personally believe advanced nutrients is for lazy growers who don't really know what they are doing...if you spend the thousands of dollars it would take to buy all of there products and used every single one of them you could probably get away without ever having to maintain your system, or have a knowledge of horticulture. Just there marketing ploys alone make me sick to my stomach..."John Doe had such a hard time trying to feed his starving family...there lives depended on his plants which had stalled growth...until he discovered "blah blah blah supplement"...this is actually on there website for a product you linked..John should have taken his money and bought some fuckin groceries IMO.
" - Big Bud-- useless
" - Overdrive--useless
Now about your should probably never be above about 2.4, and that's toward the end of flowering. And yes..the more nutes you add to a solution the higher the EC goes. Add more h2o and it goes back down. It is basically a measurement of the concentration of salts in a liquid.


Well-Known Member
General Hydroponics - FloraGro--Yes
" - FloraMicro--Yes
" - FloraBloom--Yes
" - Diamond Nectar--Useless....get some good bacteria and don't worry about humic acid. It is a naturally occurring by product of degradation of organic material (I use big bloom from fox farm which is all organic...I filter it to remove the turbidity though).
Advanced Nutrients - Carbo Load--Useless (and extremely overpriced IMO)...the only reason you should put sugar in your rez is to feed your bacteria (I use flora nectar for this)...I personally believe advanced nutrients is for lazy growers who don't really know what they are doing...if you spend the thousands of dollars it would take to buy all of there products and used every single one of them you could probably get away without ever having to maintain your system, or have a knowledge of horticulture. Just there marketing ploys alone make me sick to my stomach..."John Doe had such a hard time trying to feed his starving family...there lives depended on his plants which had stalled growth...until he discovered "blah blah blah supplement"...this is actually on there website for a product you linked..John should have taken his money and bought some fuckin groceries IMO.
" - Big Bud-- useless
" - Overdrive--useless
Now about your should probably never be above about 2.4, and that's toward the end of flowering. And yes..the more nutes you add to a solution the higher the EC goes. Add more h2o and it goes back down. It is basically a measurement of the concentration of salts in a liquid.
Nicely put Peace! Way better than mine

Mr. Snow

Thanks for that, you have made me reconsider my line. I will probably drop Diamond Nectar and Carbo Load. However Overdrive and Big Bud probably not. I have hear and read some great comments about them both. I'm a novice I know but I will always do my own research.

I'm going to be sticking with the FloraGro, Micro and Bloom at least. Are ther any other nutrients you would suggest that coincide with these nutrients and why more importantly?



Well-Known Member
Lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink.......................... Why even ask the question ? Over drive and Big Bud are USELESS!!!!! Send me your money I will tell you you will grow DANK and you will get the same result!


Active Member
honestly mr,snow your gonna read bad reviews and good reviews and i know from experience that general hydroponics nutes are great just use the mico, grow, and bloom or get the nova 2 part series its new and supposed to be really good and fyi the companys always tell you to use more nutes than you need to so you will run out faster and spend more money buying more nutes....the diamond and big bud wont do much SAVE YOUR MONEY FROM BUYING THE EXTRA NUTES AND PUT IT TOWARD LIGHTS...MORE LIGHTS=MORE YIELD (YIELD IS THE OVERALL WEIGHT OF THE BUDS) sorry for the caps but i cant emphasize enough dont waste money on useless extra plants nutes..give the plant the optimum growing conditions and cure it correctly and you will have very respectable ganja


Active Member
no problem, nutrient companys are here for 2 purposes, give us nutes we need and give us nutes we dont need and make more money lol

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
I honestly dont think you need much more than a baseline of nutrients and maybe a PK booster for later in flowering.
All of that carboload shit is just overpriced sugar...