EC/PPM Question


Well-Known Member
Ok so I know EC and PPM are basically measuring the same thing just different ways of measure. What I don't know is how it relates to my situation. I am growing in water only soil for two pots and Foxfarm ocean forest in two more. I wanted to compare the growth of the two soils since I bought the water only soil 200 miles from home. I checked the PPM of my tap water 156 unfiltered and 154 through a PUR water filter and I don't know what to make of it. I read people saying 600+ type numbers but I think they are talking about water after nutrients are added. As this is my first grow I don't want to add complexity by adding a bunch of different nutes so I only planned to use Pride lands veg & bloom powder style soil amendments. Should I be concerned about EC/PPM in the water? or should I just be concerned with the PH of the soil itself? I know Foxfarm isn't a water only soil. Detroit nutrient claims that there soil is living soil and not to worry, but should I anyway?


Well-Known Member
Yeah ec and ppm are different ways to say the same thing. Ec is electrical conductivity and ppm is the parts per million of a nutrient solution. Obviously a higher ppm solution will have a higher ec and vice versa. Since your water is 156 ppm subtract that from your reading after adding nutrients. So if you want 400ppm nutrient solution you need a 556 ppm reading. As to super soil, proper super soil will only need water as it has everything it needs in it. Any deficiencies show up you can top dress with worm castings. Ffof comes loaded with nutrients and needs water only for about a month. Then you need to start adding nutes.
As to nutrients keep it simple. Just get a complete fertilizer and call it good. I like dyna-gro myself.
Start nutrients low and work them up as you go. See tip burn back off a bit. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If it's water only, I don't think you will have a worry unless deficiencies show up, your ppm/EC in your water will be ok.