EC units & meters

my HM is still accurate 11 years later. glad i never wasted my $ on a truncheon.
Hi. I have an HM com-100 from Europe I’m still confused which mode to use when measuring EC when I’m trying to get the .8 in seedling stage up to 2 in flower range for the feed. Not sure if this even makes sense to you. The HM digital has 6 conversions. hs(h is upside down)! mS, ppm.7, ppm.5, ppt.7,ppt.5. Can you help or confuse me even more. Lol
Hi. I have an HM com-100 from Europe I’m still confused which mode to use when measuring EC when I’m trying to get the .8 in seedling stage up to 2 in flower range for the feed. Not sure if this even makes sense to you. The HM digital has 6 conversions. hs(h is upside down)! mS, ppm.7, ppm.5, ppt.7,ppt.5. Can you help or confuse me even more. Lol
I'm pretty sure EC is in milliSiemens.
Hi. I have an HM com-100 from Europe I’m still confused which mode to use when measuring EC when I’m trying to get the .8 in seedling stage up to 2 in flower range for the feed. Not sure if this even makes sense to you. The HM digital has 6 conversions. hs(h is upside down)! mS, ppm.7, ppm.5, ppt.7,ppt.5. Can you help or confuse me even more. Lol
EC is ms/cm so the ms scale on that.