Edible Candy Tobacco Pipes, Anyone?

Just had a friend show me these new "Edible Candy Tobacco Pipes"

I heard some parents are going to try to ban them since they think they are aimed towards children, i think there a clever invention.

Supposedly the candy doesnt melt from the flame. idk bout that. I was going to order a case of 12 for shits and giggles, maybe give them away to some friends.
I wanna know how they hit and taste

What do you guys/gals think about this product?

for $12ea its kinda a rip, but a case of 12 goes for $60.


Reviews anyone?

Speaker Box D


Well-Known Member
Never heard of it but I know I wouldn't want to eat a rezzed up piece of candy that's for sure


Well-Known Member
I saw these in high times december issue. As soon as you licked it it would probably get sticky as hell. Diffinately not something I would want to put weed in.


Well-Known Member
yea ive seen them in hightimes and my local headshops, LOLLIPOPS or w/.e there called. I dont think your supposed to eat them, but the owner told me you could like lick them and shit i guess... idk why someone would want to do this lol... or if the cops come you can just toss it.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to vomit all over you OP.

That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of, or at least have heard of in quite some time.
I live on the internet too! I've seen some horrible shit, that's just icky though lol.

I can only imagine somebody waiting a while, using it a bunch. Getting properly stoned, and forgetting about it. "Man im hungr...hey..this is candy huh..*munch*"

and the rest, she was history.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to vomit all over you OP.

That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of, or at least have heard of in quite some time.
I live on the internet too! I've seen some horrible shit, that's just icky though lol.

I can only imagine somebody waiting a while, using it a bunch. Getting properly stoned, and forgetting about it. "Man im hungr...hey..this is candy huh..*munch*"

and the rest, she was history.
I'm sure a million middle school kids will do just that, thinkings eating the resin will get them extra high.