eeek, nute burn?


Hydroponic, this is on the lower leaves. if one shows, the one directly across the stem also shows. I assume its some type of burn, if ph doesn't make this. My ph stays mostly around 5.8-6, but what a pain to control. Someone gots a clue?



Advanced Nutients Sensi grow part a part b. Change it weekly. I have a ppm meter but was told its not going to make a huge difference in the outcome with this setup. Maybe it looks like under nute burn? And its only on the lower leaves. Is is natural death?


Well-Known Member
someone told you wrong, without knowing the exact ppm you cannot possibly know the nutrient strength.

Check it and see what range you get. its ubber important info if you think you have nute burn.



Active Member
I am no expert but looking at the nute deficiency table and your pic and description, it looks like you have the beginning of a phosphorus deficiency. Adding 1ml/gal of of Canna PK 13/14 on your next watering would seem to be the treatment. Getting a PPM meter will solve your guessing problem.

It doesn't appear to be presenting the chlorotic symptoms that would indicate any other specific deficiency. Could also be bugs.

Are the blackened areas crispy?

Now that I've spent a few minutes looking again, it would appear I need to up my Cal-Mag doses for my own plants.


Thanks for helping! I cut a few off this morning because they were going crispy, but they've been like this for a few weeks. Its not widespread, out of 12 4 have it. The ppm thing, this is a bcnl box, they suggest this basic nute schedule (included in purchase) to get things going, and that if mixed according to their schedule, ppm really wont matter. I've been ph balancing daily, and wondered if the ph Down was burning the roots or something? How do I explain this? When my sets of leaves come, they are nice lime green. As the set of leaves gets a little bigger but still not completely spread out, I begin to see a mottling, kinda like its trying to turn a darker green faster than its able. Does that make sense? I just did my 36 onset, replaced bulbs, this morning (although the bulb makes a different color) these leaves were showing really well, and starting to get crispy. I am not a beginner to growing, but am to hydroponic. This is my first try at it. I appreciate suggestions, especially from more experienced folk! I can take more pics if that would help . . . The most amazing thing of all to me is the difference between the dirt version and hydro version. Same born on date, but two different worlds!