Effective use of space / lights


Well-Known Member
Hey fellow hydro growers,

Here are a couple pics of 3 of my girls. There is actually 4 of them (one to the right), but my phone doesn't take a wide enough pic to capture her. I'm on day 20 of flowering :-) They look so friggin good.

Anyways, as you can see, I have a LOT of space in this room. This is actually my flower room, I have a separate veg room about half the size next to it. Anyways, what I'm wondering is this: I can basically flower 4 plants at a time, but grown in to huge bushes like you see. But, what if I did 30 or 40 plants in here at a time...maybe even 50. of course I wouldn't veg them as long and I'd have to switch from DWC reservoirs to something like a basin / flood - drain type system. I'm just wondering if I will yield more bud that way, or doing it the way I am. I pull one plant out of the flower room every two weeks... I can get anywhere from 8oz's a plant to as much as 1lb.

So what do you all think. Would my space be better used growing a bunch of plants at once, or just sticking to what I have that you see here???

the room in these pics is 110 square ft. and 840 cubic ft.




Illegal Smile

I'd say what you are doing is definitely not broke so don't fix it!


Active Member
yeah, I would rather have bigger plants than smaller plants..but it all depends on your growing situation. Your girls are looking good.


Illegal Smile is right if its not broke don't fix it...

however...you could easily put more plants up to 50 if you pushed it but that doesn't mean more weight....

it does mean more work and time and money on your part...which could turn into more at harvest time.....but like you said you would also have to change your entire set up...

...i don't know the extent as to what kinds of set-ups you've used before...so it could mean array of working out a lot of new problems as well....

...but with proper lighting and care, in my opnion (based on a similar set-up that i have run 440sq. ft., bucket system) you could get more weight than you are now....

...with that said though...it will be a lot more work and if you are getting that kind of weight per plant every two weeks....

...why change it....

Illegal Smile's right...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm with you guys. Why fix what already works. And I am pretty happy with my set up. Some times part of the fun is doing new shit. But, everything is working so well that in this case I think it's one of those time to say, "don't fix what ain't broke" like you all have mentioned!

And greed is never a good thing either. I'm actually producing plenty, so I should be happy. And I am!!! :-)

Thanks for the replies...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm with you guys. Why fix what already works. And I am pretty happy with my set up. Some times part of the fun is doing new shit. But, everything is working so well that in this case I think it's one of those time to say, "don't fix what ain't broke" like you all have mentioned!

And greed is never a good thing either. I'm actually producing plenty, so I should be happy. And I am!!! :-)

Thanks for the replies...
Your method is attractive for medical patients who can only legally poses a small number of plants. Remember legal penalties increase with plant count.


Well-Known Member
Get yourself a light mover. You can add another 3-6 plants that size if you get a mover and you wouldn't have to change your routine to much and it still keeps you plant count lower than if you did small plants.


Well-Known Member
Get yourself a light mover. You can add another 3-6 plants that size if you get a mover and you wouldn't have to change your routine to much and it still keeps you plant count lower than if you did small plants.
I have 4 lights in the flower room alone... I don't see how a light move would be advantageous... Or even possible. The track would get in the way of the other hanging lights..