Effects of Light on Plants While Drying?


Well-Known Member
Had to get clones early and they aren't receiving enough light in the Hydro Hut outside in the garage. I want to get them into the main room but unfortunately I don't have a dry room.

I have 3K lights in the main room and I could get away with vegging only under two of them, and dry the plants in the area that the other 15-17 plants typically go in... hang a tarp or something to try to keep the direct light off the drying plants.

What is the effect of light being on the plants while drying? I won't be able to get it pitch dark, but I would imagine the tarp would help quite a bit.

A friend of mine said that the plants can grow deformities from the light, is that true? I just thought it made the THC less potent?

As for the plants in the Hydro Hut... they are stretching a bit but I figure since they are only like 6-7 inches tall, and I won't flower them until they are 15 or so... the stretched parts won't be the buds up on top, it will be the stuff that gets taken off on the bottom.

I'm doing Diesel and they over double in size during flower so likely none of the current shoots will even stay on the plant once I trim the bottom 1\3 off.

Anyone dried in a room with lights on without completely sectioning off the dry section... what was the result?
