

Well-Known Member
YES, but they take time to break down. you could crush them up into a powder and mix them in with your soil, i'd say 5 eggs or so for a 2 footer.

they are an awesome source of calcium and potassium.


Well-Known Member
some people bury entire eggs and let them rot under the soil, this creates sulfur which can be beneficial. but I prefer the first method for sure.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
According to, egg shells ALSO does a PH balance in your soil. Dry out every well, crush to powder & make a tea.. for PH balance, etc. Epsom Salt does a balance, also.


Well-Known Member
According to, egg shells ALSO does a PH balance in your soil. Dry out every well, crush to powder & make a tea.. for PH balance, etc. Epsom Salt does a balance, also.
epsom salt if the soil is alkaline, lime as well. if it's too acidic hardwood ashes work.

i found this awhile back;

"You can use wood ashes as a soil amendment. They contain potash (potassium), phosphate, boron, and other elements. Wood ashes also raise the soil pH; but you must use twice as much ash as limestone for the same effect. Ashes should not come into contact with germinating seedlings or plant roots as they may cause root burn. Spread in a thin layer over the winter, and incorporate it into the soil; check the pH yearly if you use wood ashes. Never use coal ashes or large amounts of wood ash (no more than 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet), as toxicity problems may occur."


Well-Known Member
I've used eggshells on my first outdoor grow and it seemed to work well. best part is that you can make an omelet and feed your plants the shells. 100% use of all matter=environmentally friendly..


Well-Known Member
i've used to deer droppings i find in the woods, rabbit as well. they say rabbit shit is the most beneficial of all the waste fertilizers and it's richest in nitrogen. nature's slow release nutes.


Well-Known Member
makes sense..rabbit poop is so dense which is prolly why it slow releases all its nutes.. I swear rabbit droppings look like clay pellets. lol

South Texas

Well-Known Member
As you say, just a little pot ash is good. Pot Ash from burned treated wood, charcoal,plywood with the glue, etc. is often thought of as Pot Ash. No good, so beware. 2 oz. of piss (human) per gal. is good also, but I don't trust my piss, 'cause of my bad diet. Beer & chemical vitamins with a side of Possum ribs.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Rabbit manure is worth it's weight in gold. 100% is the best worm feed there is, and Rabbit Farmers will give you the shit for free. Make sure to spread it out, wash it, to get the urine out, and let it dry. Now, you got something. The book by a Dude named Shields is awesome, on worm growing. Growing is fun, but so is training worms.... Oh Yeah!!


Well-Known Member
Rabbit manure is worth it's weight in gold. 100% is the best worm feed there is, and Rabbit Farmers will give you the shit for free. Make sure to spread it out, wash it, to get the urine out, and let it dry. Now, you got something. The book by a Dude named Shields is awesome, on worm growing. Growing is fun, but so is training worms.... Oh Yeah!!
what bout horse shit dat any good?


Well-Known Member
As you say, just a little pot ash is good. Pot Ash from burned treated wood, charcoal,plywood with the glue, etc. is often thought of as Pot Ash. No good, so beware. 2 oz. of piss (human) per gal. is good also, but I don't trust my piss, 'cause of my bad diet. Beer & chemical vitamins with a side of Possum ribs.
Possum Ribs?? People eat possums? Not Knocking it, just curious. You see up here in the North East, we tend to have a more boring Diet. Although, when I kill a deer, you can bet your bottom dollar that my whole family's eating it (even if I have to tell them it's steak).
What is the benifit of piss anyway? I have heard that before but never looked into it.


Well-Known Member
From what I've heard/read you don't want human piss on your plants roots ammonia in ur piss tends to burn and kill root systems try pissin on another plant for a while first and see what happens....

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Human piss is high in Nitrogen. But I'm serious about my bad diet, I use it sparingly. NEVER female piss with birth control, that scares me. Never eat any Possums... Just talking Texas Country shit. During the Depression, Coons & Possums was all country folks had to eat. I hunt for Deer, 10 minutes, get my kill, & eat the liver w/ onions & Poke Salad. Horses have only one stomach, so it's wonderful, not too much nitrogen to burn plants, but needs to set out for a bit. Beef Cheek & hand-slung Chittlin Tamales can't be beat.


Well-Known Member
Human piss is high in Nitrogen. But I'm serious about my bad diet, I use it sparingly. NEVER female piss with birth control, that scares me. Never eat any Possums... Just talking Texas Country shit. During the Depression, Coons & Possums was all country folks had to eat. I hunt for Deer, 10 minutes, get my kill, & eat the liver w/ onions & Poke Salad. Horses have only one stomach, so it's wonderful, not too much nitrogen to burn plants, but needs to set out for a bit. Beef Cheek & hand-slung Chittlin Tamales can't be beat.
Ten minutes, wish I were hunting with you. Takes me a few days or even a week to get one around here. Then it's only 120lbs at best. 10 pointers are one in a million up here. You hunting white tails or Mules?