Egyptians protest again.

~cannot resist~

I also note that karousing has abandoned this discussion. cn

He wrote his manifesto in another thread and I have replied to it. It's cool.
Just because you hail from a country with above average size cocks...doesn't mean you have a big one.

BTW, you sure do seem interested in big penises.

What does that say about you?

Exactly, but at least the place you say I hail from could be a good indication of what to at least expect. hahaha burn!

Just because you hail from a country with above average size cocks...doesn't mean you have a big one.

BTW, you sure do seem interested in big penises.

What does that say about you?

Exactly, but at least the place you say I hail from could be a good indication of what to at least expect. hahaha burn!


How is that a burn on me?

You're fuckin' dumb. Forgot to put on your helmet and fell down the stairs in a wheelchair stupid!

Besides, what's it matter where I think you hail from? Yhore 'till wetodid!
Well back to point.

I did a re-visit on the Egypt Protests and it seems to be getting worse. The worse it gets, the less the Press covers. It is not the Press of old, this the Press of Fundamental Change.

So, we have Treaty Provision with Egypt that says the govt has to be elected to recieve aid. It is suppose to be a way to protect elected govt from Coup. Backfire. This isn't the Backfire President because he caused the backfires.

He is just the one that gets blast after blast in the face. Perhaps he missed a chance to tune up, but hard to say.

You have people against people again. You have Sharia against the Military. Remember who killed Sadat. The Brotherhood. That seems like ancient history. Wasn't that about 100 years ago? That's the saying, these days, as if 100 years is a long time.

Just one long Life, is all. It is never over.
For a second I was sort of happy to continue reading doers post after reading the first sentence, because it seemed legitimately on topic! but then I reminded my self that this is doers post and thought "fuck it, its probably some bullshit".
And I'm probably right!!
Well, back to point. The Military seems very serious here. 72 killed, yesterday. Many head shots...Snipers.
Now, Citizens will be arrest and held without Habius Corpus.

The Military is conducting a purge on the Brotherhood. It is just getting started.
Well, back to point. The Military seems very serious here. 72 killed, yesterday. Many head shots...Snipers. Now, Citizens will be arrested and held without Habius Corpus.

The Military is conducting a purge on the Brotherhood. It is just getting started. But, we don't send the Fighter Planes and we do not call it a Coup.

Meanwhile, Pres, spoke out against all the "scandals" and said he would get to the bottom. And now he says (with only an Audit by the AG, etc,) it is all Phony.

He is Phony. That his job for the Agenda.