Einhorn IS Finkle!!! Or no sleep has made me Something Something...

I'm quite confident of my ability to have a glorious orgasm.

I'm just saying I'm not jetting anything across a room. And nothing like porns where women "squirt".

I'm sure some naturally just do this, and that's cool.

But not I.

On December 24, a group of French scientists published what is probably the first medical journal article on squirting. They gave pelvic ultrasound scans to seven women who previously reported emitting about a cup full of liquid (!) when they had sex. By administering the scans after the women peed, and then twice during sexual stimulation, they were able to conclude exactly where the liquid was coming from and what it consisted of—and, spoiler alert, it was pee.

Although there have been plenty of studies done on female ejaculation, this is the first one, as far as I can tell, to specifically explore women who expel great gushing quantities of fluid when sex is happening. Since at least the 80s, there's been a lot of debate around whether or not women ejaculate at all, or if any instance of it is just an adult version of bedwetting.


@abe supercro - this was from VICE Canada, and by no means a scientific article. The psychology today one was much more on point.

No meaning to shame the female's that produce a lot of lady ejaculate. More power to you!
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I'm not a squirter though. Read about it, but it doesn't seem to be a thing for me.

I have a rather large dick and usually am not allowed to go all in and beat it up.. however i do know an upset belly and having to pee will be a side effect. I dont know where it comes from but it aint piss, i dont think you can pee twice atleast....most of the time i guess?
I'm quite confident of my ability to have a glorious orgasm.

I'm just saying I'm not jetting anything across a room. And nothing like porns where women "squirt".

I'm sure some naturally just do this, and that's cool.

But not I.

On December 24, a group of French scientists published what is probably the first medical journal article on squirting. They gave pelvic ultrasound scans to seven women who previously reported emitting about a cup full of liquid (!) when they had sex. By administering the scans after the women peed, and then twice during sexual stimulation, they were able to conclude exactly where the liquid was coming from and what it consisted of—and, spoiler alert, it was pee.

Although there have been plenty of studies done on female ejaculation, this is the first one, as far as I can tell, to specifically explore women who expel great gushing quantities of fluid when sex is happening. Since at least the 80s, there's been a lot of debate around whether or not women ejaculate at all, or if any instance of it is just an adult version of bedwetting.
I just like to see stuff drip out of it.. you don't need to squirting like a fountain.thick goopy cream is just as good if not better then a squirt. I think! I wouldn't really know, I lost my virginity last tuesday .

to a guy.
I have a rather large dick and usually am not allowed to go all in and beat it up.. however i do know an upset belly and having to pee will be a side effect. I dont know where it comes from but it aint piss, i dont think you can pee twice atleast....most of the time i guess?

This is the most thorough article I've read:


10 - 50% of women produce secretions during orgasm, from the....correct Abe - Skene glands, aka the female prostate.

In a series of studies spanning the decade from 1990 to 2000, Zaviacic and colleagues unraveled some of the mystery surrounding female ejaculation and the female prostate. But because this research took place in Eastern Europe with much of it published in Slovakian journals, it has not received much attention in Western Europe or the U.S. I learned of it at a sex-research meeting:

• Microscopic studies of the Skene’s glands show “secretory” cells, i.e., cells that secrete fluid.

• Women produce prostate-specific antigen (PSA). PSA is a compound unique to the prostate gland. If women produce PSA, they must have tissue analogous to the male prostate.

• Enzymes characteristic of the male prostate are also found in the Skene’s glands.

• When men develop prostate cancer, PSA levels rise. When women develop cancer of the Skene’s glands, their PSA levels rise.

• Tumors of the Skene’s glands contain cells very similar to those found in prostate tumors in men.

Zaviacic’s conclusion: The Skene’s glands are, in fact, the female prostate. He contends that the term Skene’s glands should be dropped in favor of female prostate. He insists that female ejaculate is analogous to male semen.
But if you squirt, do you like it to be ON the dudes face/ body?

I never have before, but I still think I'd prefer glitter...

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I've looked into this...and I think some people it just happens, and that's super cool.

But the whole "everyone can squirt" seems like a myth. Well you CAN, but you pretty much have to force yourself to pee.

You have to drink a lot of liquid first, and then when you have an orgasm you just let loose. Which scientifically is about 99% urine.

Some think that this liquid comes from a "female prostate", but it's kinda just pee.

Any who - it's not a natural thing for me. I like my lovely orgasms and never feel like I'm holding back.

Although, usually I piss first.
It isnt pee I assure you. You don't try to pee either. You just try to relax at orgasm instead of tensing so much. Gspot
How you gonna ask and when given, not give thanks.

When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.

Luke 12:48

Those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.

Mat 25:29

Now bud porn was given, it shall be takeneth away

Maybe some mexi brick bottom buds instead

Dankness.. grown out by a pro and not compressed..will beat any topshelf, though this nug flowered 13 weeks when regrown
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No, i also dont know what section this thread is in.. and there are weird triangles in the header

I just pretend the site is ran and developed by rere's..only thing thatmakes sense to me.