Now at five hours and still no separation

Put some into a tank four hours and hit it. I find normally that this Kanger Protank Mini hits great but is the worst for separation. Normally after one hit it becomes dramatic. Still no separation.
The EJ Mix used had been lightly flavored (banana and vanilla). Keep in mind, it is only 8% of the final mix. Net flavor when vaping.... Does not have the nice weed flavor I like, only subtleties of it. The banana and vanilla do not come through. The hideous, atricous chemical foot flavor of a 1:1 oil to EJ Mix is gone. There is a minor bitter chemically aftertaste but it is not relevant.
So.... if EJ Mix tastes like shit to you, you can get the benefits of its holding characteristic with much less than 1:1. I am amazed that me taking it down so much worked. I wasn't expecting it but decided to start by shooting for gold. Even if you don't mind the taste, PG costs so much less than EJ mix that it is still worthy.
Things that I believe helped me and may have contributed to the success (meaning if you try and don't do these, don't call me a liar):
1.) Getting the shit dry ice cold. After filtering, even when dropped to room temp, there were no solids at the bottom of the ball jar. The coffee filters also had almost no sediment in them as well. So dry ice will now be part of my regimen. But be careful, I had the lid on one of the ball jars and it got so cold that the lid almost exploded off.
2.) Mixer - that little hand mixer works awesome and much better in my opinion than when I used a hand whisk or anything that would allow me to mix small quantities without spraying all over the place. It came with other attachments that I used first (whisk, frother, etc) but this mixing one (pic posted on above post) kicks ass.