El és Dee or TU sea Bé


  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
sooooo alot less votes for 2cb than i expected, of course against a heavy hitter like lsd i guess i shouldn't be suprised..


Well-Known Member
there are to many subcatagories, my catagories go like this

........Legal ...................... Illegal
Usefull....Worthless... Usefull... Worthless

thats about all the categorization i need lol


Active Member
LSD is the shit!

But if you don;t want to trip for 12 hours, then go with 2cb.

I've never tried any other 2Cx's, and i was under the impression that 2cb is the mildest of the 2c's.

I guess it comes down to how hard do you guys want to trip? 2cb will not make you trip nearly as hard as acid will, but it only last a fraction of the time.

I prefer 2cb to MDMA, unless short duration is what I'm after.

And crypt, i see what you are saying. I think i am too new to the RC scene to completely comprehend what you are saying about it. I feel it does not suck, but then again, you are comparing it to the rest of the 2Cs, which i have never experienced. I am interested in 2CE, but I can't find it in small enough quantities. Also, that whole death from snorting too much worries me. If i were to trip on it with friends, some of my friends just love things up their nose. This could be a very big problem if the rest of us are trying to consume 2ce orally. That is why i am apprehensive about trying other 2c's.

The thing about me is I'm afraid to try substances that have the potential to overdose (which includes 2ce) That basically limits me to 2cb ;)

well anyway, if you all are trying to trip out, take LSD, especially since you can get more. Save the 2cb, and just take a large dose of 2cb when less people are present.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
LSD is the shit!

But if you don;t want to trip for 12 hours, then go with 2cb.

I've never tried any other 2Cx's, and i was under the impression that 2cb is the mildest of the 2c's.

I guess it comes down to how hard do you guys want to trip? 2cb will not make you trip nearly as hard as acid will, but it only last a fraction of the time.

I prefer 2cb to MDMA, unless short duration is what I'm after.

And crypt, i see what you are saying. I think i am too new to the RC scene to completely comprehend what you are saying about it. I feel it does not suck, but then again, you are comparing it to the rest of the 2Cs, which i have never experienced. I am interested in 2CE, but I can't find it in small enough quantities. Also, that whole death from snorting too much worries me. If i were to trip on it with friends, some of my friends just love things up their nose. This could be a very big problem if the rest of us are trying to consume 2ce orally. That is why i am apprehensive about trying other 2c's.

The thing about me is I'm afraid to try substances that have the potential to overdose (which includes 2ce) That basically limits me to 2cb ;)

well anyway, if you all are trying to trip out, take LSD, especially since you can get more. Save the 2cb, and just take a large dose of 2cb when less people are present.
They will not love 2C-E up their nose, and if you can overdose on 2C-E, you'll just as easily be able to overdose on 2C-B.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I feel it does not suck, but then again, you are comparing it to the rest of the 2Cs, which i have never experienced. I am interested in 2CE, but I can't find it in small enough quantities.
I wasn't comparing it to other 2Cs. You were.


Active Member
There is a lethal limit for 2cb?

And let me clarify. Say you take 20mg 2cb orally, or nasally.... the intensity between the two would not be THAT noticable. If one has 30mg of 2ce in front of him, there is a significant difference between the effects of oral consumption vs insufflation. It would be far easier to die from snorting 2ce if you snort the amount needed for a strong trip when consumed orally.

So crypt, if you were offered 2cb, you would turn it down? Maybe i just don;t know your personality well enough lol.

Lets make this a little simpler lol.. why does 2cb suck in your oppinion, and why is LSD so much better?

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
There is a lethal limit for 2cb?

And let me clarify. Say you take 20mg 2cb orally, or nasally.... the intensity between the two would not be THAT noticable. If one has 30mg of 2ce in front of him, there is a significant difference between the effects of oral consumption vs insufflation. It would be far easier to die from snorting 2ce if you snort the amount needed for a strong trip when consumed orally.

So crypt, if you were offered 2cb, you would turn it down? Maybe i just don;t know your personality well enough lol.

Lets make this a little simpler lol.. why does 2cb suck in your oppinion, and why is LSD so much better?
I have explained my disdain for 2C-B literally over a dozen times already on this forum in the past couple months, I'm not doing it again, search for them yourself. :) As to your question, if someone said he/her would give me 2C-B, yes, I would turn them down.


Active Member
haha ill do some searching tomorrow to see why you aren't a fan. I guess our tastes just differ.

Now to save some face in this thread... Acid shits on 2cb in all aspects. but if its a pleasant, mellow, not too long of a trip, I feel 2cb is the way to go. If you want to trip balls, go with lsd.
I say 2cb because:

1: You've never experienced it.
2: Seems rarer to you, as LSD is easily acquirable.
3: It would be kinder to those souls who must work the next day.

Also, I say never dose multiple substances when one has never been experienced on its own. Feel the new by itself before the complexities of combination.

I also feel that this post is too late, as I have been a bit slow lately. But still enter for future readers, if they care to be influenced.


Active Member
I felt fine after tripping on 2cb. Well enough to trip on acid the very next day. The next day, i felt well enough to trip on 2cb (although it wasn;t an actual trip this time, even on somewhere between 36-45 mg)

Acid is much better at making you trip. No contest! It just depends what's more important to your group.... The rarity of a 2cb trip, or the intensity of acid...

You could always jenhkem...


Well-Known Member
its not to late to vote, may consume tonight, if not tonight maybe sunday or monday. really the next 10 days are open for me, i have to save some stuff for a beach trip sometime though :)


Well-Known Member
damn was gonna trip tonight but freind had to work late so had to wait till later this week,

im not really waiting for 2cb to win, i was just suprised at how few votes it got, i voted for lsd though. turns out i had less of both than i originally thought though, oops ;)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
damn was gonna trip tonight but freind had to work late so had to wait till later this week,

im not really waiting for 2cb to win, i was just suprised at how few votes it got, i voted for lsd though. turns out i had less of both than i originally thought though, oops ;)
How so. ;)

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
So you have a thread going ... with a vote option cause you don't have enough .... and at this point you still have a whole week to go ?
