Elden Ring

Just messed him up last night along with that slug lookin mfer.

Died about 12x though.

Crucible Knight dead after about 20 corpse runs and on my way to the Glintstone academy!
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If a not so good picture of a mid game boss spoils the game for you, then i am deeply and truely sorry.

Picture???? it was a whole damn video that autoplayed :shock:

I intentionally did not watch any videos on this game on purpose. I want to know NOTHING about it.
Picture???? it was a whole damn video that autoplayed :shock:

I intentionally did not watch any videos on this game on purpose. I want to know NOTHING about it.
Oh dang it did not autoplay for me, im actually sorry then. Ide delete the post and make a new one with spoilers but its too old now.

Thats on me for not knowing about spoiler feature here
Spoiler dident work lol.
And yeah those are a bitch, i had to leave and come back.
i beat the solo one in another cave, once you break through some crazy super armor at about 25-35% they break and can do full damage.
i don't know how to do spoilers on this site.