electric question

hello i live in a 2 bedroom apartment and with my setup it will be running about 3000w constantly do you think the electric company would be suspicious?


Well-Known Member
In the UK that's around 72Kwh of electric per day.

A standard UK household uses around 15Kwh of electric per day.

If you live in the USA forget what I just mentioned.



Well-Known Member
I would try to use less electric... it would be difficult to explain why you are using 4000w+ watts of electricity... if you only jump 1000w it would just look like you are using a space heater or something... not many electronics use 3000w of electricity... it would be pretty obvious you were growing


Well-Known Member
is this your first grow and your starting with 3000 watts? is that counting your heater or ac, humidifier/dehumidifier, and all your fans?


Well-Known Member
As long as your bill is paid, IMO, electric companies are money making businesses, they could care less what you are doing.
Firstly, you would have to be under some kind of investigation already for the cops to be able to even request your personal usage data and secondly, they surely have better things to do than prey on DIY growers with all the serious drug trafficking and money laundering going on all the time.

What a sad world this would be if your electricity supplier forwarded your info about domestic use onto the police for whatever reason. It would be even more sad if the cops harassed your ass for growing a plant or two when they know you're not a dealer.

Just imagine the blunder if the police showed up at your door based on electricity use, only to find you're growing some perfectly legal plants or your kid was playing games on his 1000Watt gaming PC setup, while your washing machine and dryer were operating for hours every day.

There are a thousand reasons for increased domestic electricity use. Until the use of electricity is limited by law, no one has the right to even check on you. You still have the right to privacy.

And if I'm wrong, then a revolution is long overdue. Otherwise, we may as well just kill ourselves.


Well-Known Member
This guy is in the UK.

Unfortunately UK power companies will look to see why you are using so much compared to the rest of your neighbours.

Then a telephone call will be made to you to discuss the elevated usage.

Sometimes an engineer may visit to see if you have any kind of faults causing the increase in usage.

Bit risky if you ask me.

They ask me all the time why I'm a higher electricity user than the rest of my street and my stand point is I run some aquariums.

I only run 400w light with dehumidifier etc.

If this is prepaid token meter then you shouldn't have too much of an issue but the exceeding high usage COULD be investigated.
