electrical fire hazard?


Well-Known Member
Hello! I just started today trying my cab. It has 2 pc fans connected to 12v cell phone chargers. For lights I'm using 5 cfl 25w and 30w connected to 2 powerbars. The power bars and 2 fans are connected to another powerbar with breaker. That is connected to extension cord medium duty, for fax machines and such.

My question is, will this work without a fire hazard? It is currently in my walk in closet. Advice?


Active Member
yer good... hell no it's not ideal. but it'll do, yer not really runnin too high of wattage or anything. why not go spend $30-$50 at walmart for a bigger power bar and longer cord, if yer worried about it? that would def cost less than fire damage. I think you'll be fine how it is, but I know what it's like when something like that is on yer mind. good luck


Well-Known Member
So look for an extension power bar built in one? I've looked, do they make those? What would be the name? Also would I be better if I took away the extension cord and just used the powerbar connected to powerbars and fans?


Active Member
nah, just get a thick extension cord of needed length and an industrial power strip with enough outlets on it (by industrial, I mean one thats meant for a workshop or power tools). the idea would be to not daisy chain the power strips. the way you have it now will work, but if yer worried just get an extension cord thats thick/long enough and plug that to a worthy power strip and yer good to go


Active Member
The best thing to do is to do go to best buy and buy a surge protector with a breaker so it will shut off before it starts a fire.


Well-Known Member
you are drawing about 2 amps so no worries. if you ever upgrade, run your setup for an hour or 2 & feel the cords, if they are more than slightly warm,you may have a problem


Well-Known Member
I have posted this advice a few times today, but I feel the need anytime I see someone using PC fans.

Instead of those PC fans and cell charger. You might want to look into these 22watt tubeaxial fans that plug directly into a socket. 1 of these fans will do what 5 of those PC fans will do.

View attachment 1865495


Well-Known Member
I'm saving up for a growbox fully made online. I have light spots and I'm worried about fire even though its running decent. The top where the lights plug into the power bars are warm, a bit under 30 inside the cab. The top on the outside is a bit warm as well, just where the 2 powerbars are. None of the other wires are warm, just the 2 power bars and the top on the outside.

Is this alright/ normal? Can someone reccommend an online growbox/ cab for the best bang for my buck?


Well-Known Member
the powerbars are picking up heat from the lights so that is not a problem. the best place to check is where your cord plugs into the wall. if that is hot, you got problems


Well-Known Member
yeah yer fine...im drawing about 800 watts through a 100' cheap extension cord running to two power strips and a few other adapters and nothing even remotely gets warm...yer fine :D