Electrical Question ?


Well-Known Member
nothing has been hurt i just feel that to tell someone they are wrong you need a bit more to say other than YOU'RE WRONG help them understand how and it seems that the biggest mistake i made was referencing a wire to be negative when in fact its positive i thank you for correcting me it was just understanding that as in all things you'd want to stay away from the hot wire and deemed this to be the negative because of it's negative effects on your health lol (just a joke)but as i said you're right and sorry for the discrepancy.


Active Member
Yes black is hot. on residential wiring it is positive. To prove this unscrew an outlet from the wall and stick your tongue on the screw that holds the black wire. Or just go get a volt meter and read the instructions on how to use it. The white wire is either ground or neutral. Either case negative. not trying to impose on your knowledge. Just kindly stating that you are incorrect on the subject. unfortunately being wrong with electricity could be much worse than just killing your crop. As a licensed union electrician, I believe I have the credentials to speak. Sorry for hurting your feelings.
I agree with you. The black is hot, the white is neutral and the green or bare wire is ground. I don't really understand the "neutral" wire. What's that all about?


Active Member
I agree with you. The black is hot, the white is neutral and the green or bare wire is ground. I don't really understand the "neutral" wire. What's that all about?
The neutral or white wire in your circuit is the return for the live feed from your circuit and is bonded at the main panel(in most cases) to the grounding conductor so that any stray currents caused by equipment faults will go back to the utility transformer.