Like I Said .I`m Old and forgotten alot.Sorry for bein da fly in the molasses.It seems all is well now.Sorry for any hard feelings.Maybe between us both.We can get this guy growin like crazy..GL Barryi wire skyscrapers for a living.
and i quit wearing my tools 10 years ago.
your older than me... wow.
but you still cant read a codebook
I also carry licenses in three states, and they are all active.
in my homestate i carry a low voltage liscence as well, and am registered with the US DOL and a member of the state alarm contractors board.
I am also factory certified and licensed to install life safety equipment (fire protection, intrusion protection)access control and CCTV, among other systems.
I dabble in building automation controls for fun, and I also run another thread strictly for electrical advice purposes.
I do consultant work as well, and since my backyard was a shipyard when i was growing up i know few things about marine applications as well.
Ive been doing this shit for 15 years on the books and since my old man dragged my unwilling ass to work with him every chance he had for 5 years before that.
ive got 20 years day to day verifiable experience in this business, and am a recognized expert in my area.
a 33 yr old lisence does not impress me.
the game has changed alot since then
Thanks I Needed That.If we coulda got together on this befor,there wouldn`t be a bad REP on my file..THANKS OH buy the way......If you look at post 13 and I mean a close look.You`ll see that I said DEPENDING ON LOAD.I wasn`t wrong.thanks for all the help..............................YOU CANNOT USE #10 WIRE TO RUN 40 AMPS IT WILL BURN
dude im an electrician with more than 15 years experience.......
the colors of the wire on the tandem breaker dont matter, you have a single phase panel
240 volts are achieved by to legs of 120v at opposite polarity
polarity in your panel works like this:
phase 1 or phase a will be numbers 1, 2, 5,6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18
phase 2 or phase b will be numbers 3,4,7,8,11,12,15,16
the phases alternate going down the side of your panel like this:
phase1 #1 #2
phase2 #3 #4
phase1 #5 #6
phase2 #7 #8
all that matters is that you have two wires on opposite phases to get 240 volts.
the color does not matter.
if you look at the breaker you will see the top is phase 1 and the bottom is phase 2
color on hot wires only matters when dealing with 3phase voltage or when you share a neutral. it does not apply in your application
i wouldnt listen to drifter... his advice on this particualr matter will cause you great suffering, im not being a dick but i know BS when i see it man.. running 40amps on number 12 it will burn in less than an hour, number 10 it will take a day or maybe a week, but it will burn!