Electricions out there?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As asid. What are your questions. a lot of folk here and well educated in the electronics and whatnot behind grow setups without being electricians in any form.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Phil. @captain. Please check my recent post by clicking my username and searching my recent post about circuit breakers


Well-Known Member
  • Ok so I just bought 3x1000 watt hps set ups. I have have other stuff I need to plug in such as fans to cool the room, co2 and other stuff. The grow room has the circut breaker just 5 feet away. There is also a laundry room neighboring the grow room with a dryer plug thing 240v. the room itself is ran on 120v. What is the best cheapest safest way to hook this up? I don't know if there's a way to utilize the 240 in the laundry room or to run each light off differint circuits in the house or to run a 240 wire out of the breaker box but I can't find info anywhere so please please help!!!!​


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm confused. Why did you need to create this thread if you've already a thread explicitly stating the issue which is being replied to by people? It'll just eb the same people replying here as are replying there.


Active Member
I'm confused. Why did you need to create this thread if you've already a thread explicitly stating the issue which is being replied to by people?
Agreed, I'm now irritated. Hope you get your help... from someone with more patience than I have.


Well-Known Member
Well, I wasn't sure if the grow room thread was the appropriate thread to post under so input one under general growing which is actually how Phil was able to help me

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
People will see it regardless of forum and reply if they can. I don't intend to sound like a dick, just want to point out that people are generally less liekly to get help if they re-post threads in different forums, let alone create a thread without information and tell them to go and look at the other thread. If people can help, you'll get the help, one thread will suffice.

And please do not state thread closed unless you are a mod and are actually closing the thread, doesn't really make any sense ;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry guys. Just stressing about this issue. Didn't mean to crowd the forum. Any 2nd opinions are welcomed thanks


Active Member
I posted on your other thread. Please dont' bump this one, there is no need for it, and your answers can be found in your original thread.
  • Ok so I just bought 3x1000 watt hps set ups. I have have other stuff I need to plug in such as fans to cool the room, co2 and other stuff. The grow room has the circut breaker just 5 feet away. There is also a laundry room neighboring the grow room with a dryer plug thing 240v. the room itself is ran on 120v. What is the best cheapest safest way to hook this up? I don't know if there's a way to utilize the 240 in the laundry room or to run each light off differint circuits in the house or to run a 240 wire out of the breaker box but I can't find info anywhere so please please help!!!!​

OK so I'm gunna ignore all the BS prior in this thread and just lend a hand. So here we go. Please DO NOT upsize your breaker if it keeps tripping! You can only put 2 1000w lamp per 20 amp circuit, and thats pushin it! Actually borderline unsafe for lights. Your best bet man. Get a plug in sub panel that plugs into the 50amp laundry plug, and is wired properly and safely. Then you can run 240v and 120v. Also it makes for easier setup for timers, this is "the brains" of the room so it will cost you some bucks or unless you have an electrician friend. (I just happen to do it for a living) Safety first man. Take your time, wire it right, build it right. A safe room is a successful room.


Active Member
idk what the "other thread" is, but its pretty simple to install a new circuit. Buy enough 10 AWG wire, a 10/2 is probably fine. If you can't find 10, get 8. 10 gauge wire will support 30 amps. 8 gauge can support 40-55 amps. Get a 30A circuit breaker, and.. You know what, you're probably better off getting someone to help you so you don't kill yourself. You just need a dedicated circuit installed.