Electro-culture, looking for an edge?

I've read several documents pertaining to the electro-stimulation of plants and seeds with phenomenal success. Has anyone adopted this gardening style. I'm curious to find anyone who has experimented with this. I'm currently testing various methods described in articles i've found online. In case some of you are scratching your head this method includes applying various voltages and currents to stimulate microflora, eradicate bacteria, promote root growth... etc. Everyone seems to be wanting an edge or so to speak to increase yields and germination success. This may just be what you are looking for. My tests results so far have taken a lanky pathetic looking plant to a stronger healthier plant with a shorter inter-node development within days. Growth has increased. I'm not going to speculate what the end result will be. Further testing is required. One article indcated specifically hemp and was noted that females were increased by 20 25%

[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+0]"Under the influence of the electrical current, the numerical proportions between hemp plants of different sexes was changed by comparison with the control to give an increased number of female plants by 20-25%,

Worth having a look if you ask me. Any advantage is just that.


Active Member
this is very interesting!
which methods are you testing? have you explored at all with paramagentism as well?

this is very interesting!
which methods are you testing? have you explored at all with paramagentism as well?


|I'm currently using pulsed low voltage DC at staged increases. I am looking into various forms magnetism including AC and DC powered, natural and man made. I'm also looking into Tesla coils present in fluorescent lighting and static generators like the ones used to make your hair stand on end a.k.a. the Van de Graaff generator. I am theorizing that increased static and negative ionization in the air may in fact give positive results similar to what electrical storms have on crops. An increase of nitrogen has several benefits to plant life normally introduced chemically when an increase is desired
The agriculture seed industry knows of electrostatically activating a seed's innate survival mechanisms which increases yields by 2-300%. But that technology is a one time application, whereas I you're talking about 24/7 stimulation. I have a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Therapy device that mimics and enhances the Schumann Resonance to increase the healing factor up to 3500% faster than normal....i wonder if putting that near a plant while it grows would increase yields


Well-Known Member
rexresearch think i put up a bad link but thats the site name <<<<
Full of good stuff and a lot of shite', you gotta sift out a lot,
@ceebeedee4Life you'll have to find the plant's frequency, look up the Sonic Bloom stuff, you can also use pulsed light with short pulse duration with your therapy device, (working on a Altzhiemers thing just now).
is @skullhunter still alive? i've been using Tesla with good results, latest aint too brill' did a radiant energy collector without noticing the aeriel fell off, 4 1/4" 10wk old Durban poison
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Don Palermo

Active Member
When I start get rich and stop becoming more poor, I want micro currency therapy machine. It mimic micro electric fields in body, when body is injured and it tryes heal injuries. Problem is just price. Good device pays few thousand.
Another intresting devise could be TNS ( trans cutaneus nerve stimulation ) device. Its made for relax muscles and ease nerve pain with low electric pulse stimulation. These are cheap.


Well-Known Member
@Tim Fox project medical has the circuit i was on about......finally found it..

@Don Palermo if you can solder or know some one who can.... get this made , its easy to make and cost is pennys, start on page 19 of the beck file read on from the use of the plant Growth Stimulator. or from the start but thats about surgical implants...scary stuff for me....

@BionicΩChronic Down to my last computer, my experiments have gone abit awry Durban went into flower a few wk back did a strech to 23" from 4 1/2 then stopped, just buds on tiny side branch's, class that as a semi fali till it's tested by fire. Told by a particle physist that my work isnt high harmonics its more related to Optical Jazz with a hint of inbred hillbilly country&westrn.....Nobody likes it & every body stays clear of it...lol. (wish i knew more about this science stuff), still trying to work/get the fundamental frequency for Thc + precursers. but for now....advanced chill time while its sunny


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
What crap!

The agriculture seed industry knows of electrostatically activating a seed's innate survival mechanisms which increases yields by 2-300%. But that technology is a one time application, whereas I you're talking about 24/7 stimulation. I have a Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Therapy device that mimics and enhances the Schumann Resonance to increase the healing factor up to 3500% faster than normal....i wonder if putting that near a plant while it grows would increase yields

LASTLY and not by any means the least!


You guys would do yourselves a great deal more good by actually TAKING a few Horticulture and Botany class's at you local Community College!

Good Lord, give me a BREAK!


Well-Known Member
@Dr. Who it aint botany, it's using "other" means to try and improve plant growth with spectacular failures, i call it play time , some folk go for time traveling in a phone box....lol.
did you never do " Zapping lower life forms with a few thousand volts" at school ? it's hellish good fun.....and you get to really smoke 'em too
i bet you wacth Ancient Aleins too........are you Giorgio Tsoukalos ??? he's got a time machine aswell

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
@Dr. Who it aint botany, it's using "other" means to try and improve plant growth with spectacular failures, i call it play time , some folk go for time traveling in a phone box....lol.
did you never do " Zapping lower life forms with a few thousand volts" at school ? it's hellish good fun.....and you get to really smoke 'em too
i bet you wacth Ancient Aleins too........are you Giorgio Tsoukalos ??? he's got a time machine aswell
UM,,,, Ah,,,, Anything you do to effect a plants growth IS a part of botany!

No I don't watch ridiculous "trailer park" TV! Me and my Tardis have met all those guys ON that show and many more.....:grin:
Now don't make me have to go over there with a Dalek and "exterminate" you! :hug:

Love your Fat Freddie's Cat Avatar!
Hmm, wonder if I can find and change to Country Cow Freak? :fire:

Don Palermo

Active Member
Hah. I bet, that if I start soldering some thing, I fuck up seriously and cause black out for whole province.

Maybe I can hire some young innocent electrician for tinkering that for me.

Thank you very much Pookat.

I ordered one very cheap tns device from ebay, but it was so very shitty builded, that I cant find words to describe its ultimate lamenes. Quality of kindergarden factory slaves has been decreased.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Believing in REXresearch is like believing that the Nazi's have secret flying saucer base's in the North and South pole! OR like believing that Trump would be a good president!

Don't take me wrong - I don't like Hillery either - In fact, I ALREADY hate the next president!


Well-Known Member
Yes but people love garden myths and get pissed when you debunk them............

Believing in REXresearch is like believing that the Nazi's have secret flying saucer base's in the North and South pole! OR like believing that Trump would be a good president!

Don't take me wrong - I don't like Hillery either - In fact, I ALREADY hate the next president!


Well-Known Member
i added a 60w ultrasonic bolted transducer next to my grow to keep out bugs and add noise. turns out the noise is unbearable so i unplugged it. waste of 30$..


Well-Known Member
What crap!


LASTLY and not by any means the least!


You guys would do yourselves a great deal more good by actually TAKING a few Horticulture and Botany class's at you local Community College!

Good Lord, give me a BREAK!

this. in few months i bet we will have witch doctors selling their electro-plant stimulators for big bucks rofl