Electronic Cig.


i was tryin to figure out why everyone was sayin they were bummed b/c they couldnt get one lol. there sellin them im the malls where i live
i was tryin to figure out why everyone was sayin they were bummed b/c they couldnt get one lol. there sellin them im the malls where i live
I think the thread started out about e-cigs and then morphed into discussing the Vape-Pen. The Vape-Pen is not available in malls and is currently only available on the Vape-Pen.com web site or in medical marijuana dispensaries in California, for now.

As to if it works or not, yes, it works great, but only with the liquid herb that is made to go with it. Other home made herb will either not work, or will work for awhile and then gunk up the works and void the warranty.

I've been using a Vape-Pen now for a couple months and I really like the freedom it gives me to medicate whenever and wherever I want with practically no smell, almost no visible vapor, and because it looks like an e-cig (even though it has different innards) if I do get asked about it, I can just say it's an e-cig.

I'm going to write a review of it in the already created vape-pen thread where someone was asking about it.