Elite gear is overrated

Where did all the great strains come from people???.... Give me a little history lesson on how we got to here...

The short version is hippies collected seeds from around the world as they travelled the hippy trails and smuggled dope from all corners back to the US. Growers crossed those landraces together creating classics like Skunk, Haze, NL, Blueberry which travelled over to europe as prohibition cracked down. The Dutch sold those seeds back to early indoor growers who were figuring how to grow indoors, which created a lot of bagseed. Growers found magical plants in those bag seeds like Chem, Sour Diesel's, Kushes, etc and now those are being interbred/inbred and being sold to the next generation. So in a nut shell it's a pattern of finding gear from bag seed, breeders selling that back to people, people finding new gems in bag seed, rinse and repeat.

"Elite" is just a signifier for something considered a special plant. We're talking about living things though so it needs to be grown properly as well as having genes that make it stand out. An elite grown by a beginner with no idea what they're doing is probably going to be worse then a generic cut grown by an experienced who has their system down (I say probably only because dumb luck is a thing lol). Grow enough seeds and you'll probably find something special, although some seeds are more likely to produce good plants based on their genes. Which sadly there is no way to know what they're like until you grow it as like you said marketing is rampant in this seedy biz. That's also the value of people posting honest grow reports, whether they're good, mediocre or a waste of bloody time. Hope that helps and doesn't just muddy the waters all the more.
I like the attitude. I share your philosophy on multiple fronts. Willing to share my stash with those capable of approaching the diversity of strains we have available

I was almost ready to stop smoking until I started growing sativas. Then moved over to landraces. The high octane, berry flavored, purple this doesn't cut it for me. Growing and smoking more primitive strains like Ethiopian, Mazar I Sharif, Panama, Pakistani Chitral Kush, etc... has brought the passion for growing and smoking back. I doubt all of what I grow is as pure as claimed but it's as close as I can get and It's what I prefer.

Some of the crosses have been exceptional.

I smoked some of what's in that photo back in the day. We got high as fuck off that seedy, leafy, stuff. Probably 10% THC. The thing today is that everything has to be high THC so the tolerance level is higher. That's why so many do concentrates. If they stopped smoking for a month they would probably get just as high off a couple hits of that leafy Columbian Gold as they would a couple hits of Shatter, etc...
I smoked some of what's in that photo back in the day. We got high as fuck off that seedy, leafy, stuff. Probably 10% THC. The thing today is that everything has to be high THC so the tolerance level is higher. That's why so many do concentrates. If they stopped smoking for a month they would probably get just as high off a couple hits of that leafy Columbian Gold as they would a couple hits of Shatter, etc...
If I took a month off I'd get high off lawn clippings jack.

“ Early “ bud for me was Columbian / Thai stick / Mexican red. Weed always looked like shit in a zip.
Or LID as it was known.

Even the street swag was pretty good - minus the gum wrappers / twigs / seeds.
Or someone else with a lot of experience with particular strains and how they interact with a specific symptoms

I agree

My point being that the vast majority of cannabis marketing is hogwash. Bullshit lies wrapped up in confusion and outright falsehood
I'd go this route before I would ask a doctor. Doctors just don't know enough about pot. They should be asking the users.
“ Early “ bud for me was Columbian / Thai stick / Mexican red. Weed always looked like shit in a zip.
Or LID as it was known.

Even the street swag was pretty good - minus the gum wrappers / twigs / seeds.

The Thai stick. I sure miss that. There was lots of that around. People don't realize it but Portland was a smuggling destination up until the late 80's when they tightened stuff up. They brought freighters up the Columbia river loaded with goodies. I remember a bust in the 80's of 7-8 tons of Thai Sticks at some dock by St Helens Oregon.
If you agree with me after reading this, ( modern dr prolly wont/don’t care , if ur dr don’t care fuck em and my guess he wants u to take his perm damaging pills instead )
explain and talk to ur dr and explain differance In terps vs what single cannabinoid does = 99.9% don’t know even the most general info. People need to realize high delta 9 or single cannabinoid has only been proven to not be that effective. This is why cbd/cbg and non delta 9 consumers prolly are getting a not full effect and it also hurts the testing of what cannabinoids actually are most favored for what medicine. Terps are if not 50% and people really should pick their terps and cannabinoid vs highest thc . imo times will change in cannabis market soon and once they start testing other cannabinoids ( over 100)
my guess is this singular cannabinoid push and not proven process and cure that def degrades so much of terps and med I can see majority on retail will be like a tobacco cig, they use multi strains, diff dry times and a hardcore sci to make a perfect burning , tasting and addicting cig. cannabis is crazy fair behind that vs almost all in ag and speciality products cause of black market allowing farmers to think they didn’t have to and consumer didn’t care.

prove my fact when I do rso of mixed 1/3 cbd, cbg and thc with mixed terps vs one , the mixed all patients and myself as a seizure patient see a huge inpact on effectiveness !

no way will people accept a prerolled of the current shit from clubs when u can get a good pack of cannabis pre packaged/rolled joints for like 20 bucks In future if these clubs keep trying to use F grade and imp non smoking material. Industry if they focused on prepackaged would removing that making buds preety and focusing on cure and making it good smoke over bag appeal, will def fix this wanting to selfie and glamour of bag appeal = sale. It’s like wine or a cigar or many fine arts, there’s cheap good stuff and also expensive brands. Cannabis is 99% fake branding to make it cool and rest % on market is misc. if not worse

not saying there can’t be a place, but does tobacco or many sell the unprocceed for more, like is bagged tobacco even if same quality cheaper vs prerolled. i don’t trust current market with their pre rolls but my guess in 2-10 years majority of costumers will demand so much and preready stuff like pens and misc majority besides weed nerds will not care about the strain and also having fancy trimmed buds. If anything over trimming is bad and also if properly cured you do not have to be so cut throat with the trimming for desirable smoke.

The Thai stick. I sure miss that. There was lots of that around. People don't realize it but Portland was a smuggling destination up until the late 80's when they tightened stuff up. They brought freighters up the Columbia river loaded with goodies. I remember a bust in the 80's of 7-8 tons of Thai Sticks at some dock by St Helens Oregon.
Were you there when St. Helens erupted? It was raining ash in WA where I was. I was outside watching it snow ash and collecting it. Nobody was very concerned about breathing that shit, :roll:.
Were you there when St. Helens erupted? It was raining ash in WA where I was. I was outside watching it snow ash and collecting it. Nobody was very concerned about breathing that shit, :roll:.

I watched it and then was skateboarding down the road leaving trails in the ash. I was talking about St Helens Oregon on the Columbia river not the mountain. They docked there and Scappoose for years. Lots of stuff was smuggled in. 20 miles from Portland. Nobody was really paying attention to the boats coming upriver from the Pacific back then.