email468 - Big Bud and PPP grow


Well-Known Member
hello my friend how are you? I have been cazy busy but soon i will post pics of all i have been up to for you to see:) Hope you summer is going well!
Hi Kaya! I'm doing very well. that's awesome about the pics! please send me a link if you get the chance - i'd hate to miss them!


Well-Known Member
omg i love the suspense......dun dun dun!!!!! i can't wait email i'll be waiting patiently with a smile on my face :mrgreen: hope everything is going well with you brother!


Well-Known Member

Good to hear things are still working for ya email!


Hey Engima! where the heck have you been? I hope all is well with you!
i haven't started another GJ yet and this i scrapped this last grow (but i'm still enjoying the PPP)!


Well-Known Member
Hey email, I haven't been around in month and read this journal today. Looks like you had a rough patch there! Hopefully your next grow will be smooth sailing. I've had my troubles too but right now I have three girls flowering in dirtbags, so life is good. I'm considering whether to go aero or not on my next project. I surely do look forward t your next journal. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hey email, I haven't been around in month and read this journal today. Looks like you had a rough patch there! Hopefully your next grow will be smooth sailing. I've had my troubles too but right now I have three girls flowering in dirtbags, so life is good. I'm considering whether to go aero or not on my next project. I surely do look forward t your next journal. Good luck!
oh yeah - heat stress to the max. but every set-back is a learning experience and i'll be once more into the breach soon enough!

Glad to see you around again - do you have a journal going for the latest?


Well-Known Member
Nope, no journal, this is a crunchy time of year for me and nobody wants to see my straggly plants anyway. Maybe if I post 'em in your thread people will think they're yours!
I wish they were mine. nothing straggly about those plants! they look fine to me.