email468 - Big Bud and PPP grow


Well-Known Member
cfl fan boy aye....

lol.... from your pictures, at least he's hit a harvest or two.....

all your stretchy plants are still vegging


Well-Known Member
email whats up? I have been missin ya when im on here, how ya been?!?
what is going on with all this insanity and hostility, how silly. I see email himself hasnt even been here to say anything so may we stop hyjacking his journal. I personaly would love to see pics of your beautiful plants regardless;) Hope you are well


Well-Known Member
Urm, Email actually commented earlier toady, & FYI I aint hijacking his journal, I'm sub to this journal & am mearly offering my support GG x


Well-Known Member
email whats up? I have been missin ya when im on here, how ya been?!?
what is going on with all this insanity and hostility, how silly. I see email himself hasnt even been here to say anything so may we stop hyjacking his journal. I personaly would love to see pics of your beautiful plants regardless;) Hope you are well

just b/c you havent seen him on here doesnt mean he isnt around. he's just gonna be real swamped this week.

but regardless....i dont hijack. im standing up for my bro!


Well-Known Member
my numbers dont add up ??? 8 x 26 is 208 do the maths .
and lol and the only reason i drop kicked you was coz of the 1000watts of light and what you got and what you got out of it damn i bet the bill to run it was more than the weed is worth LOL
The last time I'm going to post about your ignorant ass.

CFL's don't produce the numbers of dry weight you speak of.


email.. I'm anxious for updates and pics of your beautiful girls!



Well-Known Member
easy load blunts dont get those panties in a bunch that other guy was just marchin in and bashing someones journal i think its very rude. May he have been avoiding the idiot and doing other more important things...... probably? No worries load blunts i know you are "friends" with email or maybe i have no idea but regardless no offence to you.
For all i know he could be a friend of emails so i am shutting up now just came here to see how the man and his girls have been, i too have been swamped and miss chatting with him:) hey email


Well-Known Member
enigma ?? i just showed a post. i didnt say i got fuck loads i said i didnt get alot so i got more lights so shut the fuck up .


New Member
Hi email.
I would like to thank you very much for the help with the link thing and with the choice of hash making supplies.
I am still waiting for my bubbleator but feel more confident that I will have a better finished product.
Damn. Anything gotta be better than my first hash attempts. :?


Active Member
Hey email, I've been reading your journals for a while and I love the detail and organization. You're a great source to learn from. Anyways, I just got an rf66 and I was wondering how you drain it?


Well-Known Member
i'm been swamped at work - but things are easing up and will be back to my regular posting schedule this week.

i am not worried about any nastiness or folks hijacking the thread. welcome one and all. Though i will say unless you plan on helping then there is no need to point out the obvious that this grow is not going as well as i would have liked.

and if you are making ignorant comments on my grow - what can i say but yeah i fucked some things up on this one. But you really shouldn't talk shit unless you show your grow.


New Member
i'm been swamped at work - but things are easing up and will be back to my regular posting schedule this week.

i am not worried about any nastiness or folks hijacking the thread. welcome one and all. Though i will say unless you plan on helping then there is no need to point out the obvious that this grow is not going as well as i would have liked.

and if you are making ignorant comments on my grow - what can i say but yeah i fucked some things up on this one. But you really shouldn't talk shit unless you show your grow.
Oh I'm sorry email. I posted in your journal before I read this. I honestly did not know what was going on.
I hope you are ok. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm sorry email. I posted in your journal before I read this. I honestly did not know what was going on.
I hope you are ok. :confused:
Lacy and everyone - i want you to post and i'm glad you are concerned that i haven't posted for awhile. i'll catch up - post away!!


New Member
Thanks email. We love you and miss you here at riu. :hug::hug::hug:
You know if you need any help you can pm me anytime. I'd be more than willing to help you as you have helped me many a time my friend. :blsmoke::peace:
Lacy and everyone - i want you to post and i'm glad you are concerned that i haven't posted for awhile. i'll catch up - post away!!


Well-Known Member
Lacy and everyone - i want you to post and i'm glad you are concerned that i haven't posted for awhile. i'll catch up - post away!!

Yea bro..where ya been? I was begining to worry! ;)

I was expecting to see your avatar on a milk carton..

How are things?
