I recently started a small indoor grow and my first seed to show great potentiai i put in a mixture of used coffee grownds and egg compost (that was in a air tight bag for god knows how long in the sun) with good soil almost instently i start seeing tons of gnats in my room i check the soil compost mix multiple times and saw nothing. I planted my second sprout in the same soil no compost. The 2nd one has grow substantially in a few days while the other never came out the dirt i saw the gnats where HIGHLY atracted to the compost but didnt look like a fungus speciese. The next day (today) still no sign but gnats ar gone i gently dig to the top of the sprout finding live and dead larvea in soil. VERY small white no other characteristics. The sprout had the shell stuck half way on but easily came of the sprout looks ready but ifeel the larvea where the problem what should i do?