Emerald Jack Grow

doby mick

Active Member
I just finished a 70 day Emerald Jack Grow and it was worth every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every mounth, me thinks you get the idea now, what a smoke like nothing you ever tasted, very morish if you know what i mean. I have just rolled a big fatty only complaint is the missus expects me to share it, gutted but i will the only person who gets more of my weed than i do and im not joking. New Headline Bloke murders wife for making him share joint :joint: Now time for a _________ nice one .

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Sounds nice. I have been wanting to try their gear since it dropped but missed out on the promotion. Did you grow the femmed beans or the regulars? What kind of setup did you use? Got any pics?

doby mick

Active Member
Piped Dreams the answer to your question yes i did fems Under a grow star hood with son t nav 2 bulb on 600 watt dimmerable digital lummertec ballast , backed up with 150 watt maxibright digital ballast with metal halide bulb and yes i have got some photos, but you will have tobe patient with me as i am new to the computer and i am not sure about how to post photos but my son is due over in morning so will get some help and will post some of the photos, as i am very proud of my results.