Emerald triangle Blueberry headband and RP skywalker kush

IMG436.jpgIMG437.jpgskywalkerIMG438.jpgblueberry headbandIMG439.jpgheadband big colaIMG440.jpgrando headband nugIMG441.jpgrando skywalker nug.

the girls r so happy they got the 600 back, woke up to them doin their mornin prayers. havent seen that since i had the 150 in. and they are packin on alot trichs. even packed on some nice weight over night! back on track n lookin good!
u guys have any idea whats causing this? its only on the skywalker on the leaves closer to the light. around the tops of the colas but the rest of the plant is healthy. kinda confusing me because when i usually have a leaf issue its towards the bottom.

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Unless you`ve been misting with the lights on ... and I don`t think you have been ... Looks like you`re Mag/Zinc deficient tw1st3d. Supplement some CalMag and they`ll level back out. Had a similar issue with my ladies and spotting like that, forgot to introduce CaMg to my distilled water for some reason, resolved my issues. I would also just double check your PH ... too acidic soil can sometimes cause a Mag deficiency mate,

KC :weed:
no disrespect Kush, i disagree i think that is heat stress. cal/mag issues would be expressed all over the plant. i'd tie those branches down i bit tighter or raise the light if you can. here is an example of a cal/mag deficiency

and here is an example of heat stress

and here is the link to my source for any other problems that might arise: http://www.420magazine.com/forums/p...abis-plant-pest-problem-solver-pictorial.html
no disrespect Kush, i disagree i think that is heat stress. cal/mag issues would be expressed all over the plant. i'd tie those branches down i bit tighter or raise the light if you can. here is an example of a cal/mag deficiency

And you know what Chummer, I think you are right after I look back, did state as well it was only the tops affected, nothing under canopy. Backing off the light distance will help things greatly, also could supplement some Silicates to bring the plants high-heat immune up Tw1st3d. I use Nick17gars reference if I`m ever in doubt (my own plants are easy diagnosees), pretty much an abbreviatedversion of what you use without all the supplments :). Nice eye Chummer,

KC :weed:
yea im gonna go with heat stress, unfortunately i cant raise the light anymore :( im jus gonna tie down those branches affected to get them a bit further from the light. kinda makes sense, 1 day after i get the 600 back it burns. the branches on the bbhb are really weak, i dont have any stakes but luckily while i was walking my dog earlier he found some pretty decent sized sticks so i used those to stake em up. i'll post pics in the mornin after ive tied the girls up/down
hmm, that doesn't look like heat stress in the pic (2nd pic in 147), maybe light bleaching, but definitely not heat stress.

3rd pic in post #142 shows the cal issue as well.
hmm, that doesn't look like heat stress in the pic (2nd pic in 147), maybe light bleaching, but definitely not heat stress.

3rd pic in post #142 shows the cal issue as well.

I thought this too at first Fresh, I still believe a CalMag supplement would see that disappear. I had almost exact spotting on my Cataracts and I gave 5ml/4L CalMag for the deficiency and 1.25ml/4L of Silica Blast for heat and were gone in 3-4 days ...

**Edit - Although I`m not at all doubting that heat on the tops played a role in that bleaching effect, not overly rusty which would be indicative of Mg def. **
KC :weed:
so i tied most of the head band up, gotta get a couple more stakes. gave the skywalker a touch more cal/mag than usual, moved the light to the right and her to the left so shes not directly under the lamp and rotated her so the taller colas (the ones with the most damage) were more out of direct light. i also moved the snowcap la into flower today. figured with these issues i need to manage my height better, and if i treat them right they should b alright with a 3 week veg. oh yeah can anybody tell me what could be causing these leaf issues? its only a couple leaves on the headband, the ones that dont get much light.IMG450.jpgIMG451.jpgblueberry headbandIMG452.jpgskywalkerIMG453.jpgsnow cap in her new home. im starting a dinafem critical+ put the bean straight in the soil a couple hours ago
Pic one shows your early-onsite CaMg deficiency mate, if you`ve upped your dosage, you`ll see that flatten out. Had a hunch that was CaMg related initially ... Looking good otherwise, you`ve taken good measures now :D

KC :weed:
You only hope Tw1st3d, you only hope :). Once you have their feeding program dialed in that is pretty much the case, low maintenance gardening. Keep it up mate,

KC :weed:
just some random bud pics, lookin good gettin big! oh and my dog, he loves when i open the tents for some reason. he sticks his head in then lays next to me while i deal with them IMG470.jpgIMG471.jpgIMG472.jpgIMG473.jpgIMG474.jpgIMG475.jpgIMG477.jpgIMG479.jpg
My favourite time, bulge time, haha. Looking great buddy, gonna have a nice harvest to sit around and hang with pooch with ;)

KC :weed:
Just saw your journal, I am currently growing blueberry headband too, in dwc. Mines have just started to flower but am getting no hint of smell of the blueberry or headband so am wondering if your is smelly and if so what does it smell like? Thinking mine might be a runt as it still small and not showing no aggression.
,it actually doesn't smell at all really, if I touch it my fingers smell kinda sweet and skunky but for the most part no smell. The skywalker smells way more than the headband. It should start to smell in the last 2 weeks of flower or so. From what I heard that's when they pack on most of the weight and start to smell