Emergency! Can Anyone Tell Me What's Wrong from This Pic?


please help! i have looked thru the self diagnosis thread and didnt see this. i've just noticed these leaves...here's the details:

running hydro
2 weeks into flower
on advanced nutrients (a and b bloom)
ppm at 600
temp at 80 during the day cycle and 68 at night
ph has been kept between 5.6-5.8 (seems to keep raising though)
(also, we've tested with different ph meters already)
sprayed with organocide just before triggering about three weeks ago (fuckin mites)

what does this look like to you?


Well-Known Member
really hard to tell! looks like a deficiency of some sort, normally i'd say lockout of some sort but in your case that's pretty hard to believe. what do the roots look like? when did you last flush? bottom/upper leaves? what about general looks of the plant? try to post a better picture both of bad leaves and the plant itself.


i'll get better pics today.. the roots are still white.

as far as lighting, we're using 3 600w nexgen digital ballasts, HPS bulbs, through XXL great white reflectors and cover a 4'x10' indoor growing area.

what i'm most concerned about is why the ph continually rises (thus making me think the problem is related to the high ph/nutrient lockoutand causing a phosphorus def.?)
we do use tap water but always condition ph to 5.6-5.8. this is the first time i've seen the water raise ph so quickly.
i mean, i can put it down to 5.5 and within an hour it's back up to 6.1 or more. wtf?

oh and we've flushed for 3 days about a week ago. we have reintroduced nutrients and the new growth appears to still show signs of defect.


Well-Known Member
hard water buffers pH up. Some (most? all?) hydroponic nutrients buffer it down. but then you say you KEEP it at 5.6-5.8. if that's the case you should have a prob w/ that. but if you're having a hard time keeping it, and it rises to more than 6 i guess, then perhaps you might consider searching for softer water (RO for instance).