Emergency!! Emergency!!


Active Member
I found a little bird that fell out of it's nest today. The bitch at Wal-Mart was just going to let it die on the pavement!!

Anyways I took it home, I tried feeding it crushed up worms but so far no luck.

Anybody here have any experience with this?
I already made the perfect nest and it chirped with glee because of it.
Know what I SHOULD be feeding it?
And is there a certain method too feeding it? I'm thinking either tweezers or a syringe.

I tried looking shit up on the internet but I found websites that said to do things differently then other websites and I'm getting so confused!! I feel for the little guy.. I think his leg is broken but he can still stand on it.

please people THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!

I'll post pictures later if you guys want to see it. It's pretty fuckin ugly.


Well-Known Member
I found a little bird that fell out of it's nest today. The bitch at Wal-Mart was just going to let it die on the pavement!!

Anyways I took it home, I tried feeding it crushed up worms but so far no luck.

Anybody here have any experience with this?
I already made the perfect nest and it chirped with glee because of it.
Know what I SHOULD be feeding it?
And is there a certain method too feeding it? I'm thinking either tweezers or a syringe.

I tried looking shit up on the internet but I found websites that said to do things differently then other websites and I'm getting so confused!! I feel for the little guy.. I think his leg is broken but he can still stand on it.

please people THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!

I'll post pictures later if you guys want to see it. It's pretty fuckin ugly.
Why don't you just get in contact with a veterinarian and see what they recommend? Perhaps a zoo?:leaf:


Active Member
Have you figured out what kind of bird it is yet? That's important. My father is a huge bird guy. Let me know what type it is and I can help you figure how to take care of it. I actually just rescued a wren from my deck the other day, it flew into the window and broke its wing. I carried it to safety :D

Usually mother birds chew up the worms themselves. Try and put the worms into a bottle cap, or something the bird can peck into like its mothers mouth.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
go to a tractor supply of a farm supply place...they will have food for birds (not just bird seed). there will probably be a low-res for baby birds. Low-res is used in vets offices for young animals and animals that just had surgery. it is very mild but chalked with good calories and fat for recovery...you may have to make a liquid supplement and bottle feed


Well-Known Member
Go to the store and get some feed for young birds. Grind it up with some water into a peanut butter type of paste. Feed the bird by getting some on your finger and have it suck it off by sticking it in its mouth. Whistle a "number" while you do this.

"whir wheer. whir weer." Keep it short, consistent and repetitive. It will learn this sound.

If it makes it to the point of flying some day, it will return to your call. Raised a couple of young birds in my day.


Active Member
During some yard work a couple of years ago I was cutting down branches on an out of control bush in our yard, and when I cut one down I noticed there was a nest in it with baby birds in it. It fell about 20 feet to the ground and all of the birds were chirping like crazy. Momma bird came swooping in chirping at me like crazy, I FELT LIKE SHIT!!! So I did my best to get them back in their nest, without touching the actual birds, and get the nest to a safer spot. Even went to a store down the road to get some fish bait and gave all the worms in there to the birds, hoping the Momma would be able to nurse them back to health. Man, I felt terrible that day, I'm gonna go smoke a bowl now.


Active Member
I got bad news everybody..

The baby bird has just died..
He wasn't doing to well in the first place.. but he was a fighter.. his leg and wing were pretty banged up, and who knows how longs it's been on the ground.
I'm pretty sure it was a robin, the beak was was pretty big.. like a robins..
This puts a damper on my day..

Thank you everybody for your help. I will post the memorial sometime after a moment of silence.. I was really hoping this little guy was going to make it.. :(


Active Member
During some yard work a couple of years ago I was cutting down branches on an out of control bush in our yard, and when I cut one down I noticed there was a nest in it with baby birds in it. It fell about 20 feet to the ground and all of the birds were chirping like crazy. Momma bird came swooping in chirping at me like crazy, I FELT LIKE SHIT!!! So I did my best to get them back in their nest, without touching the actual birds, and get the nest to a safer spot. Even went to a store down the road to get some fish bait and gave all the worms in there to the birds, hoping the Momma would be able to nurse them back to health. Man, I felt terrible that day, I'm gonna go smoke a bowl now.
I think I know how you felt.
I feel like I just murdered one of gods innocent little creatures..
I did the best I could without handling it too much..
but I can't help but blame myself.


Active Member
I thank you all for your time and respects...
I buried him in the garden, which I hope will bloom to become a beautiful garden.
He deserved a proper buried.


New Member
Once had a bird fly into my window while I was eating breakfast. Hit pretty hard, scared the shit outta me, and fucked my breakfast all up. He was hopping around trying to fly and shit, so I shot and killed it.



New Member
gadaffi is my boy, not being facetious. Just making the point that the bird would have died anyhow and I saved it from a short life of ridicule and ostracization for being the idiot bird that likes flying into windows at 'terminal' velocity.