Emergency!!! Plants dying quickly!!! Curling under leaves.

I'm using technaflora recipe for success and in hydroponics setup. I haven't had a successful hydroponics grow because of this. In about 2 to 3 weeks into flowering my plants wilt under quickly and die with in a few days. I don't know what it is. It happened once in a soil setup but usually in my hyrdo setups and it happens so quickly I don't know what to do. Any one have any idea? I've been reading The Marijuana Grow Bible and it suggests that it could be root rot but how do I fix this and what else could it be to kill my plants so quickly? There is no fungi or mold on the plant. it was perfectly healthy this afternoon and the whole time it has been growing but now it's starting this drooping and wilting under that has happened before and I don't know how to fix it. It always happens just a few weeks into flowering. Please help! How do I fix it? please give me anything that might help.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
You didnt tell anyone what system you're using. What kind of environment you got going, how heavy you're feeding, etc.

We cant help your diagnose your problem without any relevant information.
Lights-400 watt hps
medium-clay pelets in deep water culture
nutes- technaflora recipe for success
watering schedule every 7-10 days although last night I went to check the roots and the bucket was empty and I watered 4-5 days ago so I quickly made up a mix of water but it didn't stop the leaves from wilting but it did slow it down quite a bit.... maybe it's in shock now from no water? just a guess i'm throwing out there.
Feeding rates and interval 3 quarters strength everytime I change out the bucket every 7-10 days whenever it gets low.
system is deep water culture. I'm doing sea of green with 4 plants
leaf colors are completely green but curling under. 2 out of 4 plants have leaves curling under and some of the tips are curling up and look a little dried out or burnt they fall apart in your hands.
they are completely healthy and vibrant until the leaves wilt.
The roots are perfectly healthy I checked them this morning.
The strain is master Og
I turned up the air pump to see if more oxygen would help but I just did that this morning also.
I have had this problem one other time in soil with Purple Kush but it was around the same time in flowering about 2 to 3 weeks in.
I just sprayed with bug spray Azamax yesterday and then a few hours later it happened.
Sorry for not specifying everything. Thanks for the help in advanced.
Also the other 2 plants out of the 4 look perfectly healthy.

UPDATE!- I found bugs in my water reservoir so I called the local Hydroponics store and they said to add the Azamax bug killer to the water reservoir. So I did. Hopefully that will kill them and is the problem. They might be eating my roots.


Well-Known Member
If you sprayed axamax and it happened a couple hours later... I would definately say you sprayed them with too high a concentration of axamax.

Plants will show all kinds of deficiences but they only wilt for three reasons: 1. Not enough water 2. Too much water (but you have an airstone so this isn't it) 3. Poison.

I would bet my left nut that #3 is the reason. Be careful with axamax dude, it can really harm your plant (as you ahve found out) even the correct dosage can shock a plant for several days.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
killed the shit out of my last grow with permethrin , applied it too heavy and the next thing i knew was i was cracking new beans to replace these
crap so adding that azamax to my water reservoir could cause more problems? cuz I sprayed my plants that are in vegging just as much with the azamax and it didn't cause any problems with those just my hydro setup in flowering I even have a soil setup in flowering and it didn't cause any problems with how much I sprayed.


I believe i read it right, you say DWC but you say the bucket was empty? thats no good. your roots can't dry out in that set up. how small are your buckets? you should always have the water just under your net pots, maybe letting it drop a bit towards end of flower.

Also, you say you found bugs, are they root aphids? those can kill plants pretty quick. I had them once, even with azamax i had to write them off. make sure you clean everything very well between rounds and sterilize the room if it is.
yea the bucket was empty it's a 5 gallon bucket. could that cause them to go into shock?

The bugs I don't know what they are. they are little white things that look like flees but are white. I've had a problem with these things for quite some time now. All my plants have them but the rest are soil and I have insect frass in the soil so the bugs are not a problem. Ever since I put insect frass in my soil the bugs have just been on there but not causing any real harm. I also spray with insect frass.
What do you mean by "write them off"?
Flush your system add fresh water with hydrogen pro oxide. When leaves perc back up flush it again add nuts back in with fresh water and hydrogen pro oxide. Its a good thing to add to your mix. Kills bacteria and saves and prevents plants from root rot or any bacteria/ insects . I add a little in everyday. Fresh healthy green hydro cannabis and my leaves are bending towards the light as if they are trying to give it a big warm hug :p good luck man let me no if this helped


wow, they were thirsty if they drank 5 gallons without you noticing. you can always top up the bucket as the week goes by and than mix your nuts at the end of the week to make it easier on yourself, just don't let them go dry. Also, by write them off I meant I had to throw them out and started over. I was in a RDWC so they all got it. I also use 29% H2o2 regularly to keep the water sterile. I'm not familiar with the line of nutrients your using so didn't mention the peroxide. If they are organic look to teas for a healthy root system, if they are not than jaiismokesalot is right on the money
Thanks Jaiismokesalot!! I flushed the hydro setup and added fresh water with hydrogen peroxide last night and today it looks like it stopped the plant from curling/wilting. Also I noticed today that the outer edges of the curled up leaves and the tips looked burnt and crispy and would fall apart in your hand but it looks like the plant is healthy again. I mean the leaves are still curled because the leaves are damaged but the plant is no longer wilted the leaves are now perked up I think that the hydrogen peroxide did the trick. I didn't notice anymore damage to plant after I added the hydrogen peroxide. Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. If it weren't for you saying to flush the system and to add hydrogen peroxide my plants probably would have died. That's such a blessing!!! I'll post if the problem persists but it looks like it has stopped.


New Member
Flush your system add fresh water with hydrogen pro oxide. When leaves perc back up flush it again add nuts back in with fresh water and hydrogen pro oxide. Its a good thing to add to your mix. Kills bacteria and saves and prevents plants from root rot or any bacteria/ insects . I add a little in everyday. Fresh healthy green hydro cannabis and my leaves are bending towards the light as if they are trying to give it a big warm hug :p good luck man let me no if this helped
Sorry this is in reply to an old thread, but I searched and found it because I think I may have killed my plants with Azamax. All of the leaves are dying, but the buds still look ok. I am growing in soil, I flushed, but am not familiar with using hydrogen peroxide. can I use it in soil? How much?