Emergency Please help


Active Member
your plants are locked up, they cant absorb what you are feeding likly because your ph is way off balance. Its not your roommates fault. That takes time. Do you have before pics, before you left. Im almost positive I could point it out there too. When the leaves are curled and not perky thats a huge problem.

I was gone for 5 weeks......I had to travel unexpectedly for work......

He said it just started about a week and a half ago maybe two weeks he says....I am not mad at him we are both still learning.......

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I am sorry everyone. I read through this thread and I can not do anything but wonder what all you are thinking?
Swampy put his plants under the control of someone who does not really care about these plants much. He probably had much better things to do then water is buddies FUCKING PLANTS! He most likely rushed it, over did the nuts, over watered..... HELL who knows what the heck he did wrong...... FLUSH THOSE DAM PLANTS. If you have fresh new soil? Repot them now. Make sure you have the conditions your plants are under in your control. Right now they are not. You have no dam idea what is in that soil.

This is just my thoughts. I have trust issues. :roll:


Active Member
break his legs!!! chop his nuts off!! lol my girls are so important to me im on my first grow and am now into week 5 of flowering, they're lookin so strong and healthy for my first grow im well chuffed, be posting pics very shortly

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Also, I have my own idea on what is wrong.
But my thoughts do not matter. What matters is he had someone else in control of his plants. He has to take control back. This means a nice flush and a little repotting in my oppinion.


Well-Known Member
Im new to growing pot but, I am a landscaper those pots do look kinda small for that size plant you might b getting root lock. what I have read was 1 gallon pot for every foot of growth. replant prun off dead branches then I would prune off yellowing leaves as this will stop plant from pushing energy to heal them. with the transplant you won't see alot of growth for a few days cause you just shocked the plant.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
If when you repot your plants you are very careful and tender with them, they will not be shocked at all. There is no reason to shock your plants under a normal transplant.

Once when I was having trouble with a crop in soil, and I final told myself, SCREW THIS!!!! I am putting them in my Hydro system. What I did was took the plants out of the pot, very carefully loosened the soil, and then with slow moveing luke warm water i washed the roots off of 90% of the soil, then stuck the 4 of them in my hydro system. Not only did they not wilt, but they took off like a bat out of hell. Most all plants can be the ultimate timex. Takes a beating and keeps on ticking. I do think that repotting is in order here though. Among a few other things. But not enough information has been giving to make an educated answer to his trouble.

We do not know what soil he is useing, what nutrients he uses, how often he waters. HELL... we know next to nothing about what conditions his plant was under before he left, let alone while he was away. Anyone can take a guess at what his trouble is.

OK.. I have my answer for what is wrong with his plants. Aliens from another Galaxy landed in his back yard with a bad case of Space Hemroids, and they found out that by rubbing his plants on their ass, that it releaved the burn and itch. By accident, these aliens rubbed these plants on thier front side also, hence they have been over nutt'd.


Well-Known Member
well,at least the aliens got a cure for there hemroids.What a great plant I believe that when you went from soil to hydro your plants took off whats better than that. I have snow white seedling that I won't give up on. germed her, she sprouted then almost died she was dead and I brought her back to life. got her out of soil and put her into my bubble system. everyday she is getting stronger and more beautiful. I was under the notion that when you do anything with your plants soil you shock it. the plants has to settle I wasen't talk long term couple days.


New Member
I am using Kool Bloom 3 tsp per gallon and FloraBloom 3 tsp per gallon......
Doesn't anyone else see a problem with this? 6 teaspoons of nutrients per gallon? Holy shit sherlock how do you spell nutE burn....

Just how often do you add this concoction?


Well-Known Member
Thank you LDB!! I was also reading thru this thread and was saying to myself WTF and scratching my head :rolleyes: ....then I made it to LDB's 1st comment on this prob. Being a N00B to "this" site, I refrained from saying anything controversal and just decided to read on....But yeah, definately flush, re-pot with some fresh soil, larger pots and baby them girls back to health and hopefully they will return to the state you left them in. (no one even knows what condition they we in before but anyways...). If they lasted 5 weeks, they musta been in nice healthy condition. Check with your local hydro shop and see if they have any tea. My local hydro shop brews a nice tea that supposedly unlocks any nute lock probs. I use it all the time and have virtually 0 probs. Nurture them my friend and pray to the ganja gods for forgivness.


Active Member
you've hit the nail on the head you know, the girls have done well to get this far, im growin in cana soil and my girls need virtually no nutes!!


Active Member
thanks for all of your suggestions I am in the middle of repotting them at this moment but I will let everyone know what happens


Active Member
Ok so after ready the replies here and doing a little more research on the site.....Here is what I am doing.

1st I am repotting the plants in 5 gal buckets.....HEMPY BUCKETs with perilite...I gently removed them from other planters and washed away as much of the soil as I could trying to be very careful not to harm the roots. The I am also going to water them with no NUTES and see how they react for a little while. (the reason for the perilite was I felt it would help flush them out quicker than new soil would.) Maybe I am nuts but this is my 1st real grow and they were looking great up until about 2 weeks ago. I came home for the weekend and then left for 2 more weeks when I returned well you saw the pics.....

As far as the NUTES are concerned the local Hydro shop told me how much to use but I do think the grow room was getting to hot and also we were watering them to often. Hopefully with the way the hempy buckets work we will be able to avoid the over watering problem.

If you guys have any other suggestions please let me know as I have said many times I a very new to this and I am still learning. But I bet my next grow will be great. Although Iam not done with these gilrs yet...


Well-Known Member
next time you leave make one of these, then all you roommate has to do is fill up the bucket and test the water's ph and then then bring the ppm right to the perfect numbers you want with the nutes. Get nice digital ppm and ph meters. Make sure your digital timer is watering enough, and show him how to bump up the times if needed.


