Emergency w/ Diesel Ryder


Well-Known Member
Edit: Please read this whole post, and pics are about 5 posts down.

Sorry for the long post, if you have the patience to read it and have any input on the several problems I adress here i would be greatly appreiciated !!!

So, I have 2 female diesel ryders going. I don't have the exact date I started them, but it's somewhere in-between June 10-13'th. I made the critical mistake thinking the time from seed to harvest was 90 days, when actuality is was 9 WEEKS, not 90 days, hah go figure. So I have been feeding my plant's nutes somewhat.. some organic things like molasses, fish emulsion, kelp extract, and apply them as foliar feeds.

In reality, the harvest ( mathmatically, 9 weeks from when I started them ), is Aug. 12th-14th. Which is in 4 days.

Seeing as it's an autoflower strain though, its supposed to be grown indoors with a 18/6 light schedule, then be done in 9 weeks from seed. However, I grew mine indoors for the first 3-4 weeks until flowering, then placed them outside. They got about 6-10 hours of direct sunlight a day. So, due to the lack of direct sunlight ( as opposed to indoors with 18 hrs ), I can assume my crop wont be done by Aug 12th.

What I'm paniced about is the taste... after all I did foliar feed them a few times ( 2-4 ) with a tea mixture of Bat Guano, Kelp Extract, Fish Emulsions, and Molasses. They're growing in 1.3 gallon pots, and on each plant I flushed about 2.5 gallons, and with the last 2 quarts of each flush being a mixture of molasses and a tiny bit of nutes for greenness ( thinking I had a while to go before harvest ). The reason I flushed today was because on one of the plants, some fan leaves were yellow and curling a tad bit, but overall healty. Now.. my problem is I don't know when I should harvest. I went around shopping today for a pocket microscope, but to no avail nothing was found at radio shack or anywhere else.

Has anyone else grown diesel ryder? How long do you suggest / did you let it grow for, 9 weeks? 10 weeks? I want to pack on the buds... and I plan on leaving it in pure darkness for 3 days to strain the resin glands, so everythings smacked covered in trichomes.

The real question is, should I flush again with just plain water and molasses ( for carbs, and a sweeeet taste :] )? How long does it realllyy take for the buds to rid of folair and root fed taste..? Even though, lots say depending on how good you cure your bud, you can't taste any chemical!

Thanks, and I'll post some up-to date pics very soon ( tommorow, cameras not @ home ! )
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Well-Known Member
Well I am growing mine for seeds atm, But if you post pics I will give you my opinion. It's hard without em the switch could have slowed em down a little but i doubt it. Plants love the sun. I will come back when I have some pics. :peace: :joint:


Active Member
Hmm... no experience with the low ryder strains, did you get it from dope-seeds.com?

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if the yellowing was just a natural toward the end of flowering kind of thing.... you should possibly post some pics.


Well-Known Member
I am posting pics tommorow, and the yellowing was not the type of yellowing you experience during flowering. Plus, on the one plant most of the leaves are curling, but only about 1" of the end of the tips are curling downwards... which means over-nute or over watering.

In any case, I've seen on another diesel ryder grow on a different forum, he chopped it @ 77 days, which is 11 weeks exactly, which puts my harvest @ August 27th.

Im just worried about the fish emulstion and kelp / molasses tea I sprayed all over the plants and buds the past few days. I washed the buds and leaves off with water a few times already though...

I just need to get a pocket microscope, thats the only way I'll beable to know forsure.


Well-Known Member
You can get an eye loupe off of ebay. I have a 15X that I use to look at the trichs and it works great. As far as your other problems, I have no idea. I grow LR2's, but only indoors, 18/6 all the way through, and very little nutrients because Lowryder strains don't like much nutes.


Well-Known Member
Diesel Ryder is different with nutes I believe. There was a gentlemen on here who grew DR's with LED's, and was pro at growing LR2, and he claimed he pushed DR's to the max with nutes and saw little signs of burning, and i've been ( or had ), been nuting them aswell with no problems.

I got my 60-100X magnification scope today from a different radio shack, along with getting my camera back :)

I attatched some pics of my babies. I think they need like 1-2 more weeks, what about you guys? Also, what does the plant problem seem to be? Look at all the pics, and notice only the 1-2" of the leaf claws... and on only one of the plants, theres yellow leaves you will notice. Whats causing all of this, anyone?



Well-Known Member
I've stated above that these problems don't seem like it has anything to do with nitrogen deficiency during flowering. The leaves are clawing, and the wrong leaves are yellow to be a flowering trait so far, however it might be the start, but doubted.


Active Member
those look fine imo

if only fan leaves are yellowing, which looks to be the case, I think you're fine.

dank looking plants, too. what kind of yield do you get from those low ryder diesels? I'm thinking of possibly placing an order some time in the future.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, appreciate the comments! Haven't harvested them yet, but they're in 1.3 gallon pots and could've had more time to grow out their roots.. so I'm not expecting much of a harvest, just some dank dank potent fruity buds. They smell fruity and wonderful, strong odor. However, the problem of the curling leaves still needs to be addresses, as it's on both plants. And I still dont think the yellowing is natural... the other one isn't yellowing!

I flushed 2 days ago, so only time will tell I guess.

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
dude those are fine, they look very healthy. I'd say you have 2 weeks left till harvest. Mine looked like that 2 weeks ago and heres a pic of mine from 3 days ago.



Well-Known Member
Ah, great just what I needed, another Diesel Ryder grower! So I got at least 2 weeks till harvest then? Fantastic, I'll keep feeding with organics and molasses, let them beef up with potency and size. I guess I'll give it a few more days to fix its curling problems -- I know that's not normal.. so I'll keep up on it.

Nepali, When you plan on harvesting your's? How long have they been growing since sprout, and what color trich's ya got?


nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
Nepali, When you plan on harvesting your's? How long have they been growing since sprout, and what color trich's ya got?

that one in the pic is a bit over 9 weeks, i pollinated all the females at week 5. I'm planning on giving them another week maybe longer to mature all the seeds. the trich's are all cloudy. if they didn't have seeds i would have probly harvested today.


Well-Known Member
Did you grow yours outside? Mine are just about 9 weeks old... I should harvest them soon... I also selectivly pollinated some of my flowers, but I dont think the seeds will get enough time to mature. We'll see what happens though, I still got 4 orig. seeds left that I plan on planting very soon and growing them out to full and max potency

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
yeah i grew mine outside, they seemed like they grew very quick. I saw signs of sex in less than 3 weeks. Stinkiest plants i've ever smelt. your plants look like they need at least a week longer, try picking a small bud and quick dry it to see what the buzz is like. heres a pic at week 5 just pollinated, and a pic at week 7.



Well-Known Member
Great looking plants you got there, not many people post pictures of Diesel Ryders, looks like were some of them :P

You harvest any yet, if so how much ya get from one plant? Also, how did you quickly dry a sample of your bud to smoke, I know you can pick it and let it dry in a microwave, oven, top of something hot etc... but eh.. :/

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
no i haven't harvested yet. best method to quick dry is either put the bud in a car for a day or in the micro with short bursts of 10 seconds on power level 3.


Well-Known Member
I also selectivly pollinated some of my flowers, but I dont think the seeds will get enough time to mature.
When did you pollinate kirby? Some people say you should let the plant go 10 weeks after pollination, and some say you should let them go until the buds start to "die". When I pollinated my LR2's I did it on the 3rd week, and let the plant go to 10 weeks and the seeds it produced have had about an 80% germination rate. When you say you pollinated selectively, you mean a few of the buds I assume? You can harvest the unpollinated buds and let the others go a little longer so they can mature.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I have never grown an Auto Flowering strain. But when my buds are ready to harvest, pretty much all my leafs are turning yellow. Especially after my flush.