

Well-Known Member
okay so long story short. someone found out about my grow op and im very paranoid and just want to flower these plants ASAP, have the males pollenate the females and collect the seeds then scrap the plants.

I have 4 plants all around 6"-7" tall. on their 5-6 true node. CAN I FLOWER THESE NOW?? put them in 24-48hr dark. then put them by a windowsill where they will recieve 8-12hrs of sunlight a day, not sure hrs of direct full intensity sun.

I just want them to flower and pollenate. i dont care about size, i just want viable seed for next year.

if i cant flower these now, when can i?? ill post some pics from a few days ago. they got a bit bigger.


you can flower anytime but my advice is to dig them up NOW if someone knows you re growing, it isnt worth the jail time, you can always grow more tomorrow somewhere else.

Flower and seeds you are looking at another 8-10 weeks for viable usable seeds.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Dig those suckers up and throw them out. Not worth the risk at all, especially since if you flowered now, you probably wouldn't even get an ounce of those plants.

stay more hush hush next time.


Well-Known Member
I agree. Dig those suckers up and throw them out. Not worth the risk at all, especially since if you flowered now, you probably wouldn't even get an ounce of those plants.
lets say i decide to keep them? start to flower them today, how long would it take for the plant to produce some viable seed?

would it even work with a winter sun cycle in a windowsill??
ive been contemplating scrapping them...

EDIT: just realized you said 8-10weeks.


Active Member
lets say i decide to keep them? start to flower them today, how long would it take for the plant to produce some viable seed?

would it even work with a winter sun cycle in a windowsill??
ive been contemplating scrapping them...

EDIT: just realized you said 8-10weeks.
who found out about your grow op? or should i say care to explain what happened? these types of things interest me...i feel bad for you but at the sametime by you sharing you may help someone else out to avoid that situation.

so if you can...please share.

now back to the issue at hand...

i personally would junk them. those plants arent even big enough yet to produce a good amount of bud...or at least an amount worth even risking jail over (if you were talkin 20lbs or something i'd say do what you can) but this is something that wouldnt even yield an ounce on its best day! they just aren't big so i would junk them.

i'd say take clones but at that size they are clones pretty much and you cant really find a place for them.

if you wanna try and save them i'd try to put them somewhere out in the middle of nowhere...woods...forest...park of somekind...whatever...just somewhere that someone wont tie you to..

find a new grow spot (or whatever you have to do to solve your problem).. if you cant do it in a week or so i'd say junk them

if you find the spot go get them back (hope they are still there and you hid them well)...

bring them back and keep growing them...

out in the wild they may begin to die or be in need of some water.

id say hide them outdoors (not on ur property) or toss em.


Well-Known Member
If you plan to grow those plants on the windowsill I wouldn't even second guess about growing the plants. pitch them or live with paranoia just to get an ounce. (but on a windowsill, you might get an 1/8th lol)


Well-Known Member
If you plan to grow those plants on the windowsill I wouldn't even second guess about growing the plants. pitch them or live with paranoia just to get an ounce. (but on a windowsill, you might get an 1/8th lol)

im not after nug just seed. since im home all day even if anything happens i can quickly scrap them due to their size. aslong as they will produce some seeds for me thats all im after. i just want to have something to work with outdoors next year.


Active Member
im not after nug just seed. since im home all day even if anything happens i can quickly scrap them due to their size. aslong as they will produce some seeds for me thats all im after. i just want to have something to work with outdoors next year.
you'd be better off killing it (or giving it away) and buying seeds next year...you'll have to keep it for the WHOLE flowering cycle to get viable seeds...i dont think you can see it through to harvest if your op has been discovered.