Employer discriminated against me for prescription.


Well-Known Member
I call it honey oil..but pretty much the same thing....and I have....it def works better than plain old flowers...
just don't like the tech used very much.....to volatile ...if I could swing C02 extractions then, that appears to be the very best method...with an inert by- product..
try Phoenix Tears it helped my wife getting off that crap. it's really easy to make too. a pound can make 60 days of medicine at a gram a day.
is a video on how to make them.


Hi ! I'm a new member :) Sorry for your trouble Saskabush.... that really sucks!! I'm just reading everyone's posts, lots of good info for you! I agree with Northern Lass , only YOU can decide this. MMJ stays in your system around 30 days I think.... not sure about magic mushrooms? I heard the same positive things about using magic mushrooms to treat cluster headaches- I think the show DRUGS INC, on National Geographic did an episode on it. Really helpful for people who have tried everything for them! Doesn't hurt that magic mushrooms are SUPER FUN TOO! (Not everyone like them, just my opinion)


Well-Known Member
Hi ! I'm a new member :) Sorry for your trouble Saskabush.... that really sucks!! I'm just reading everyone's posts, lots of good info for you! I agree with Northern Lass , only YOU can decide this. MMJ stays in your system around 30 days I think.... not sure about magic mushrooms? I heard the same positive things about using magic mushrooms to treat cluster headaches- I think the show DRUGS INC, on National Geographic did an episode on it. Really helpful for people who have tried everything for them! Doesn't hurt that magic mushrooms are SUPER FUN TOO! (Not everyone like them, just my opinion)
that was the show...the "hallucinogens" episode


Well-Known Member
Hi ! I'm a new member :) Sorry for your trouble Saskabush.... that really sucks!! I'm just reading everyone's posts, lots of good info for you! I agree with Northern Lass , only YOU can decide this. MMJ stays in your system around 30 days I think.... not sure about magic mushrooms? I heard the same positive things about using magic mushrooms to treat cluster headaches- I think the show DRUGS INC, on National Geographic did an episode on it. Really helpful for people who have tried everything for them! Doesn't hurt that magic mushrooms are SUPER FUN TOO! (Not everyone like them, just my opinion)


Well-Known Member
Welcome 77 doobies. I love smoking doobies bongs spliffs zongs blades and so on. Watch out for tool shills like peter the tool tosh. He just escaped the looney bin. I'm sure you will enjoy it here we have lots of fun and informative debats. Oh and fuck all LP's!!



Well-Known Member
Welcome 77 doobies. I love smoking doobies bongs spliffs zongs blades and so on. Watch out for tool shills like peter the tool tosh. He just escaped the looney bin. I'm sure you will enjoy it here we have lots of fun and informative debats. Oh and fuck all LP's!!



So my doctor ended up taking me off my pills because of the side effects I was experiencing, weren't going away. I had to get a full blood scan and am going back to him next week to talk about what's next. I shudder to think, because what he prescribed me in the first place was the least harmful Rx. I have talked to other people in the saskatchewan mining industry and it turns out at other mines, there are employees there with green cards and management has given them no issues over it, as well I talked to someone that works at Suncor and they also have no issue with employee green cards, just the employer I work for it seems. I am thinking of seeing a psychologist and also going to a Naturopath because right now my options are limited. I am not currently on any medications and really feel like I am going back down into the dark hole I came out of once I started using MJ. It really sucks to know how much my life could be better with using my MJ Rx but have to adhere to my corporate oppressors or I will lose my livelihood. Hopefully the legal proceedings will start soon but it will be awhile before anything is resolved.


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieStay strong saskabush. And talk to a lawyer ASAP this is bs and as long as you are not impaired at work you should be good to go. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
So my doctor ended up taking me off my pills because of the side effects I was experiencing, weren't going away. I had to get a full blood scan and am going back to him next week to talk about what's next. I shudder to think, because what he prescribed me in the first place was the least harmful Rx. I have talked to other people in the saskatchewan mining industry and it turns out at other mines, there are employees there with green cards and management has given them no issues over it, as well I talked to someone that works at Suncor and they also have no issue with employee green cards, just the employer I work for it seems. I am thinking of seeing a psychologist and also going to a Naturopath because right now my options are limited. I am not currently on any medications and really feel like I am going back down into the dark hole I came out of once I started using MJ. It really sucks to know how much my life could be better with using my MJ Rx but have to adhere to my corporate oppressors or I will lose my livelihood. Hopefully the legal proceedings will start soon but it will be awhile before anything is resolved.
Maybe you should think about short/long term disability.....the less you sleep from your headaches the more of a hazard you become and that's what it's all,about right? Making sure everyone ELSE around you is safe.


Maybe you should think about short/long term disability.....the less you sleep from your headaches the more of a hazard you become and that's what it's all,about right? Making sure everyone ELSE around you is safe.
That's the irony of all this, take a person who is happy, healthy, and not impaired, send him home from work, and then bring them back to work tired, emotional and mentally unstable while being on Rx drugs that are causing impairing side effects.
I meet with the lawyer at the end of the month, hopefully reporting to the Human Rights commission will expedite this case. Too bad I have to now sacrifice my rights to medical privacy because of this, I hope they pay dearly!!!!!


Well-Known Member
So my doctor ended up taking me off my pills because of the side effects I was experiencing, weren't going away. I had to get a full blood scan and am going back to him next week to talk about what's next. I shudder to think, because what he prescribed me in the first place was the least harmful Rx. I have talked to other people in the saskatchewan mining industry and it turns out at other mines, there are employees there with green cards and management has given them no issues over it, as well I talked to someone that works at Suncor and they also have no issue with employee green cards, just the employer I work for it seems. I am thinking of seeing a psychologist and also going to a Naturopath because right now my options are limited. I am not currently on any medications and really feel like I am going back down into the dark hole I came out of once I started using MJ. It really sucks to know how much my life could be better with using my MJ Rx but have to adhere to my corporate oppressors or I will lose my livelihood. Hopefully the legal proceedings will start soon but it will be awhile before anything is resolved.


Some interesting reading here, sask., and counter to what your employer told you. I would get legal council, at least a consultation with one experienced in labour law. They need to prove impairment, the mere fact that you smoked at some point is not their business.The SCoC decisions trump whatever your employer or union want to tell you. I would make it very clear, perhaps on the lawyer letterhead, that you intend to file a human rights complaint against both the company and Union.


Well-Known Member
That's the irony of all this, take a person who is happy, healthy, and not impaired, send him home from work, and then bring them back to work tired, emotional and mentally unstable while being on Rx drugs that are causing impairing side effects.
I meet with the lawyer at the end of the month, hopefully reporting to the Human Rights commission will expedite this case. Too bad I have to now sacrifice my rights to medical privacy because of this, I hope they pay dearly!!!!!
Do yourself a favour and have the lawyer draw up a strict privacy guideline that limits who gets access to ANY medical information. I am in a position where EVERYONE knows thanks to the amateur way my situation was handled.


Well-Known Member
That's what I meant about throwing their shit back at them. Fighting this is going to take a lot of time and energy....maybe you should be at home getting paid to stick up for yourself...and do not count on the lawyers to come up with everything...always always always be asking well what about this angle and what about this company etc, etc....your argument about being at work WITHOUT mj is valid....make sure to tell the lawyer this...


Well-Known Member


Some interesting reading here, sask., and counter to what your employer told you. I would get legal council, at least a consultation with one experienced in labour law. They need to prove impairment, the mere fact that you smoked at some point is not their business.The SCoC decisions trump whatever your employer or union want to tell you. I would make it very clear, perhaps on the lawyer letterhead, that you intend to file a human rights complaint against both the company and Union.
Good article chris....