Employment Drug Testing - Prevalent?

Will be one of you in a few months and I'm going to be starting the job search soon to hopefully get something lined up before the move. So, how prevalent is the drug testing for/during employment situation around the Front Range? I'm currently an IT guy with decades of experience but done with Corporate America. I'm quite happy making a modest, living wage no matter what the job.

I know that having a red card doesn't give you a free pass, but does it seem like any employers are actually going to start allowing for it? Or, should I assume that it's going to be just like the place I'm at now? MMJ state but no employer allows for legal patients? And everyplace drug tests, too. From trash guy to CEOs.

While, I don't agree with it, I can pass a pre-employment test. It's the damn randoms. So I'm curious as to that in Colorado, as well. "Piss once and that's it" type of places prevalent at all?


Well-Known Member
It really depends on the job. Federal job, of course they will test you. Working in some fast food places, (like delivering pizza) Wal-mart and many others will pre-employ test you. How to know which ones do ahead of time? That's tricky. I dod not see *any* employers being tolerant or accepting of it soon, either. Good luck on your job search and such.

chef c

Well-Known Member
agreed "urine luck" as long as theyre not watching. And they cant as long as its a regular job, not like judicial, or one for a Parole offficer, which i have experience w now:( fucking sux but ya. Ive used "urine luck" since '04 in Cali and even at Eltiches Gardens here in co. they cant watch cuz its for a job, 90 - 100 degrees and a nice attitude is good too but not nesassary. At Elitches a bunch of my friends had to redo, cuz the 16 (yes I asked her how old she was and about shit a brick when I found out that a corperation like Elithches (the parent company ownes 16 parks) could give a job w such serious implication to (I slao asked if she had any expierence, her reply "naw"). Several of my friends had to re-test (urine luck like 35 a piece) becasuse she couldnt figure out how to push the test through the alunium foil cap, dumbass. So to the idiots at elitches, yall are DUMB, to my friends on the site here are two very parts of taking the test, use the screw on top wo the little squeeze tip cuz youll empty the piss into the jar then "SWISHING SOUND" of air rushing back into the bottle, just ust the screw on top, and ppout it in. Last time there was even a dude laughing at me in the next stall, cuz i just dumped the whole thing in and it was like "glug, glug , glug" haha. and then the most improtant part is the temperature, let me say again TEMPERATURE!!!!! it HAS to be between 90 and 100 degrees. if not oyur going again for sure, no questions asked. (this has hapened to me too :( So 90-100 huh? heres what you have to take into accout: how long from the time you leave your place till you get there, obviously the behind the desk peeps are slow as fuck and the big drop off. heres my technique: less than one hour (and I know your guys are like well what the fuck but once your in it should be less than 20 mins) DO NOT USE THE HEAT PACK!!!! it could nuke the piss! Boys and girls two words GORILLA TAPE. yes gorilla tape that lil four oz bottle upside down tight inbetween your ballsack and your leg after nuking in the micro wave for 10sec at a time get it to 100 in the microwave gorilla tape it to yout legs your nuts will so their job, last time mine wa 95 on the button. ladies uh,.... maybe a girl could suggest something here... I know a chick that used a whizinator haha ya know the fake dick thing haha, she was the coolest. sorry about the spelling the court still has me by the balls so im all fucked on perocet. and getting addicted as you read this... I really hope the judge accepts my motion to have it back, cuz I love percocet and I dont wannna be any near it. pleasseee jusge accept my motion! im a walking pharmacy kolonopin, valium, alprazolam, percocet, all big doses.... fuck this shit I NEED WEED! it solves all those DRUGS. once again sorry about the spelling
peas and carrots
Being a former IT guy who was in the job market several times over the years here in CO, I can verify for you that a) you will have piss once and never have to piss again job interviews about 80% of the time and that b) once you pass it, you won't ever have to do a random unless you work for a big corporation like wal mart. Find a good small business to work for and you probably won't have to take a test, or if you do...just once.


Well-Known Member
what was said above, however .... as far as employers giving a 'pass' to medical card holders, it is completely hit and miss and you won't know until you are in the position. my last IT job would UA new hires, but if you have a legit med card they were OK with it (same as any other medication is what HR told me). but i've heard horror stories from the those that have been put through the wringer though. there is no constitutional guarantee or protection against job rights when it comes to MMJ.

chef c

Well-Known Member
Im still testing hot after 31 days. 109 ng/mg (I think thats the parts per million but it might be ml) adn for those of you who know me, Im skinny!!! and Ive lost at least six pounds since it all started :( shit!


Well-Known Member
i took over 30 drug screens in my career. passed them all, and was hot for half of them. go with the synthinc urine, the best way.
well, i did fail one drug screen, but it was after i retired. i was over 6 months smoke free(my choice) and i failed for not having the prescibed zanax in my system. it wasnt a big deal thou. if i am hot on my doctors visit i go with the fake pee....good luck sir


Well-Known Member
and here is the 'cheap' method for passing:

materials needed:
1 large Urine Leg Bag (medical device, @ $2-5 available at walgreens, walmart and elsewhere)
2 small hand heat warmer packs (@$2-5)
1 volunteer that doesn't do drugs and is the same sex as you are (not sure if it's true, but i understand they can test for hormones as well, indicating male/female source).

have said volunteer pee in the bag, doesn't need to be filled up .... keep an extra in the freezer (ewwww gross!!! I still did it though, it's sterile!) for future emergencies. when needed, wrap said legbag around your waist (they come with a nice stretchy elastic 'belt' that fits well) and point the hose towards your zipper. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!. not that they really watch (unless a high screen type of position, like working for the DOT. or state forced UAs like Chef has to do - sux brotha! been there and done that though). when you REALLY need to use it though, I place one small warmer pack in front, one in back of the legbag (if the timeframe is short until testing, ramps up the temps quicker. if a couple hours off though, just need 1 in my opinion to get it warmed up with body temps)

and there is my 2cents for the day.


and here is the 'cheap' method for passing:

materials needed:
1 large Urine Leg Bag (medical device, @ $2-5 available at walgreens, walmart and elsewhere)
2 small hand heat warmer packs (@$2-5)
1 volunteer that doesn't do drugs and is the same sex as you are (not sure if it's true, but i understand they can test for hormones as well, indicating male/female source).

have said volunteer pee in the bag, doesn't need to be filled up .... keep an extra in the freezer (ewwww gross!!! I still did it though, it's sterile!) for future emergencies. when needed, wrap said legbag around your waist (they come with a nice stretchy elastic 'belt' that fits well) and point the hose towards your zipper. PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!. not that they really watch (unless a high screen type of position, like working for the DOT. or state forced UAs like Chef has to do - sux brotha! been there and done that though). when you REALLY need to use it though, I place one small warmer pack in front, one in back of the legbag (if the timeframe is short until testing, ramps up the temps quicker. if a couple hours off though, just need 1 in my opinion to get it warmed up with body temps)

and there is my 2cents for the day.
Just make sure this is not the "donors" first wizz of the day, it can seperate and have solids float or sink in it during the wait.....
In my opinion most companies DO NOT drug test at this point in time, well until you make a workers comp claim, then you are probably gonna get tested. Big corps and government are the big exceptions to this, although KMart didn't test me when i worked there, but that was more than a decade ago....... shit im getting old.