Empty Bag = Empty Dreams


Well-Known Member
ok so im high i got the munchies its 3 in the morning i go and grab one of those small 35 cent bags of chips from my kitchen and wtf!???????????:confused: this bitch is empty , the bags not open and theres not a single morsel inside :evil: who else has had their dreams shattered by a travesty such as this.


Well-Known Member
thats funny as shit,munchies are gay,alot of companies wont fill a bad all the way if at all,just to make a quick cent


Well-Known Member
Sue them for 4.2 million dollars. If Lays halves the winnings in court, at least you have 2.1 million dollars. It's false advertisement! They said there would be chips in that bag and there arent! BASTARDS


Well-Known Member
exactly , it clearly says on the back of the bag contains 1 serving size , this bag of air isent a rip off just to me its ripping off lady liberty herself , youve got to wonder when the hell shes just ganna drop that torch and set us all on fire.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's a new diet scheme... The Smell Diet. All you can do is smell the food.

Furthermore, I expect lady liberty to put the smack down on this chip fiasco.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what would happen if you called the cops and told them.. Do you think they would take you seriously or just hang up? I could see the conversation going like this:

"Hello, 911, what is your emergency?"

"Hey! Someone stole my chips!"

"Sir, is someone hurt? Do you have an emergency?"




Well-Known Member
yea that would probably just be a free ride to the jailhouse but it would be funny , almost as funny as the cop who ate that brownie and thought he was having an overdose and called 911 on himself lmao.


Well-Known Member
yea that would probably just be a free ride to the jailhouse but it would be funny , almost as funny as the cop who ate that brownie and thought he was having an overdose and called 911 on himself lmao.
lmao is that true??? that's fucking funny!!! pigs really are dumb.

not had the crisp (sorry im a limey...they're crisps over here..chips are like fat french fries to us) bag thing but did send a mars bar back to mars cuz the chocolate had gone all white on the surface. i moaned and said "WTF IS THIS???". they sent me 6!! yes 6!! BOXES of the things!!!with a letter of apology!! lmao...addmitedly i did put the orig bar in the window for a few days to let the coco butter rise thus turning it white but hey!! they weren't to know that!! lmao.....


Well-Known Member
lol, that's awesome. I think they just like giving stuff away. I wrote to the Coca Cola company once, asking where I could buy one of the CocaCola polar bears, and they sent me one! Well, a plushie of course, lol.

Yay free stuff!


Well-Known Member
freeloader! , and dixie just google cop 911 call its a pretty popular video , well its just a recording really its really funny though


Well-Known Member
freeloader! , and dixie just google cop 911 call its a pretty popular video , well its just a recording really its really funny though
just googled it dude. im crying with laughter!!! seriously!!!! how fucking funny is that??!?!?!?!?!?!!
"i think we're dying.i really do". hahahahahahahahahahahahaha what a fucking cock!!! hahahahaahhahahahahahahahahaha

someone get ME a medic. my sides have split!! i am bereft of ribs!!!lmfao


Well-Known Member
the first time i heard i was in disbelief surely a crooked cop that smokes weed knows you cant have an overdose on it, those brownies looked toxic green though he was totally bombed out of his mind