Encounter with Mesa PD.

Wow usually of you assert your rights they become Dicks. Glad they to here they were nice to you.
Well, another benefit in my favor was probably the fact that Mesa PD is all decked out with vid on their person and vehicle. There were 3 different cars and peace officers, so it would be hard to hide or destroy evidence from 6 different feeds as opposed to just 1.

I was clear they couldn't search my vehicle, and I was very coherent and articulate when speaking with them.
Though I am all about you standing up for yourself and all. I do not think that it was right to have been driving. If we want MMJ to be taken serious we will need to follow the rules. If you are on oxy you are not allowed to drive or any other mind altering substance. Maybe next time buy your munchies before hand and then be a little more responsible. I don't want to lose what little ground we have made. If crime go up or the instances of marijuana related crimes (DUID) go up it fuels the opposition I am glad the Mesa cops were cool. That is not like them. They have pulled me over so many times for nothing.
Impossible for me.

I medicate all day, 4-5x a day.

I haven't had a moving violation or accident in over 13 years. I feel my driving safety record speaks for itself. I only got pulled over because I didn't change my plate out (dumbass move on my part). Another part of the reason they probably let me go without a DUID was because I stayed in my lane when making my left hand turn, used my blinker, wasn't aggressively accelerating, and immediately blinkered on lane change.

I'm extremely aware when I'm driving. If I were to ever damage property, injure someone, or in the worst case scenario, cause the death of someone, I would accept full responsibility for those consequences.

IMO, these were just cops that were doing their job, and they could see it was clear I was able to drive a vehicle OK.
damn mesa cops havent chaged i see. i had the same one, officer collins, arrest me twice and my best friend three times in the mid eighties. asshole he was.
I was less attacking you then the billion people that THINK they are great stoned drivers. As long as you are as responsible with Pot as you would expect someone else with any medication then I see no problem in what you did. Stay safe, Stay medicated.
While I don't condone driving while you are high, it is not comparable to driving.g while you are drunk both physically, psychologically, and statistically in the aggregate. If everyone who drove drunk was high instead, there would be many fewer deaths.