End of 3rd week veg... plants are undersized and droopy

My setup:

21 23w CFL,s 17 are 2700k and 4 are 5000k. Its about a 3x2x5 space that i've painted white and use a small 1500w heater set on a thermostat to heat. I've devised a humidity buffer system by draping wet rags coming from pitchers onto small personal fans... and it actually works quite well :) I used a hydrofarm fluorescent two tube for the first 3 weeks. I transplanted them at the beginning of week 3 from 12oz solo cups to 3gals with foxfarm, and began feeding them lightly with biothrive, CaMg, and a little root hormone mixed in for good measure. My one plant has very dry leaves and is just today beginning to get some yellow spotting in the center of the leaf. It is also droopy and paper like in texture. Here are the pics...



i wouldnt call them undersized if its 3rd week. U should see mine girls, the r just so small compared to yours. Im not sure whats wrong with the leaves tho.


Well-Known Member
Ya if u.look at my thread i planted mine nov 12th and they are just now starting to get bigger


Active Member
since u just transplanted them they could be focusing there energy into stacking roots. as to the droopy part ur room got to almost 90F, that could cause droopy and slow growth. could be transplant shock since its only been a week.
pH of the water is neutral. I started giving them lightly fed water, but i used some plain water on them both just to get the soil all watered down.