End the drug war


I know there's a lot of nay sayers here so I'll chose my words carefully. But I think the facts speak for themselves.

It's pretty obvious that initiative 19 is about a lot more than just letting us smoke.

It signals you don't approve of a racist, imperial war (the war on drugs) that has literally caused thousands of deaths, put many more in jail, and spent untold billions of dollars in doing so.

This is a wasteful war that has overstretched our military and caused more casualties than it saves. This is real- not some fictitious war. It happens every day.

This money does not go towards us. It does not create new jobs. It goes to funding these wars.

I'm not a constitution scholar so I can not take a position on the constitutionality of these wars and laws.

If you believe that voting against wars and segregation is facism, I suggest you look up what that word (facism) means.

In conclusion, voting yes signifies that:

1. You oppose racism, and de facto segregation.

2. You enjoy having money and a job

3. You enjoy having an improved quality of life- for you, and everybody.

While noting "no" signifies the opposite.

Initiative 19 isn't just for California- it's for a lot of other places, too who will use it as a precedent- not exactly word for word perhaps, but similar.

If you don't know enough, I would still urge you to educate yourself and vote yes- it is less of a choice and more of a duty to humanity - a humanity we all belong to.

I will do my best to clear anything up.



Well-Known Member
voting yes signifies that:

1. You oppose racism, and de facto segregation.

2. You enjoy having money and a job

3. You enjoy having an improved quality of life- for you, and everybody.

While noting "no" signifies the opposite.If you don't know enough, I would still urge you to educate yourself and vote yes-

I will do my best to clear anything up.[youtube]IZIbwwGSC4A&feature=related[/youtube]



Dude, you are preaching to the choir so you can drop the snooty routine.

Where did you get the idea that you could insult someone into agreeing with you?
oh, sorry, sarcasm. not trying to be snooty.

I'm not trying to insult anyone either. just point it out.

I guess i have trouble getting to grips with "the other side" (if there really is such a thing), if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
I know there's a lot of nay sayers here so I'll chose my words carefully. But I think the facts speak for themselves.

It's pretty obvious that initiative 19 is about a lot more than just letting us smoke.

It signals you don't approve of a racist, imperial war (the war on drugs) that has literally caused thousands of deaths, put many more in jail, and spent untold billions of dollars in doing so.

This is a wasteful war that has overstretched our military and caused more casualties than it saves. This is real- not some fictitious war. It happens every day.

This money does not go towards us. It does not create new jobs. It goes to funding these wars.

I'm not a constitution scholar so I can not take a position on the constitutionality of these wars and laws.

If you believe that voting against wars and segregation is facism, I suggest you look up what that word (facism) means.

In conclusion, voting yes signifies that:

1. You oppose racism, and de facto segregation.

2. You enjoy having money and a job

3. You enjoy having an improved quality of life- for you, and everybody.

While noting "no" signifies the opposite.

Initiative 19 isn't just for California- it's for a lot of other places, too who will use it as a precedent- not exactly word for word perhaps, but similar.

If you don't know enough, I would still urge you to educate yourself and vote yes- it is less of a choice and more of a duty to humanity - a humanity we all belong to.

I will do my best to clear anything up.

Voting yes means you love america, kittens, and all good things
voting no means your a commie!! Yea, I remember this same emotional arguments that brainwashed millions into going along with whatever our gov't did and said. Use logic, not emotion, emotional arguments normally means you don't have any real good reasons...just sayin...


Ah whatever, lets lock this thread/shut it down since its going into stupid jingoistic drivel. I am guilty too...
It will pass/fail regardless of this.
Edit: perhaps i am not expressing myself clearly, either.


Well-Known Member
Don't like the responses, so lets shut this shit down...another time honored government tradition.. maybe your not, but rather then simply give up after 3 people reply, why not see where it goes? Rides already started, might as well see what the destination looks like...


Ok. but, I've been thinking about it more, and I've come to the following conclusion; the war on drugs has absolutely nothing to do with drugs. Much like the war on terror has little/nothing do with terrorism. Sure, legalizing any/all drugs may undercut the reasons given for the war on drugs, but would they really end? Who knows.

You seen to dislike my framing things in absolutist terms. Perhaps I am guilty. But let me ask you this: if I drop two objects in a vacuum, do they fall at the same speed? Does their weight matter? Physics says yes, they will fall at the same rate, but perhaps we are just regurgitating things we learned in school.


Well-Known Member
Ok. but, I've been thinking about it more, and I've come to the following conclusion; the war on drugs has absolutely nothing to do with drugs. Much like the war on terror has little/nothing do with terrorism. Sure, legalizing any/all drugs may undercut the reasons given for the war on drugs, but would they really end? Who knows.

You seen to dislike my framing things in absolutist terms. Perhaps I am guilty. But let me ask you this: if I drop two objects in a vacuum, do they fall at the same speed? Does their weight matter? Physics says yes, they will fall at the same rate, but perhaps we are just regurgitating things we learned in school.
†CLAPS† And the winner is....
Your right, it has nothing to do with drugs, and the war on terror has nothing to do with terrorist, their true purpose is two-fold
1) To make key people lots of fucking money, like dod companies, that in turn give money to the politicians that continue to choose them as the contractors and continue the wars so said money can be made.

2) to distract the citizens from the rights that are being stripped away before our very eyes...key example, the "patriot act" hence my reference to the logic you were using earlier. If you don't agree with this policy that strips you of your rights, than your not a patriot, and you may verywell be a terrorist!!! yea. fun stuff...

The fucked up part is, a large number of us see and know whats happening, but at this point its a runaway train that can't be stopped...

as far as weight, yes, shape, no, and yes we do regurgitate information, thats the thing with the information age, it gives us access to alot of info, but in order to absorb any significant amt, at some point your having to trust who originally discovered said info...


Well-Known Member
well, tradionaly the power structure thats controlled all this bullshit has been made of mostly white males...And while now diffrent races have made it into the pwer structure, We have to wonder how much they are being manipulated...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Where does the racist part come into play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The United States leads the world in incarcerating it's own people.
The United States incarcerates many people in the "war on drugs".
The United States incarcerates a highly disproportionate number of black men, relative to the racial breakdown in the country.

Jack Cole of LEAP (law enforcement against prohibition) discusses that in an
interview with Weeda Claus. Find the interview by clicking on the link below.


Well-Known Member
Where does the racist part come into play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first American cannabis Prohibition ordinance was in El Paso in 1913 (or 1914 - I can't remember). It was another excuse for the powers-that-be at the time to harass Mexicans. At the time, the Mexico was embroiled in a Civil War and great number refugees migrated North during that period.

In the 1930's Harry Anslinger convinced American politicians that "marijuana" would make white women run off with black jazz musicians.

It was very clever because the medical establishment was caught looking as they had never heard of the hermaphroditic-sounding "Mary/Juan-a," but they were very familiar with the medicinal qualities of cannabis hemp.


Well-Known Member
The first American cannabis Prohibition ordinance was in El Paso in 1913 (or 1914 - I can't remember). It was another excuse for the powers-that-be at the time to harass Mexicans. At the time, the Mexico was embroiled in a Civil War and great number refugees migrated North during that period.

In the 1930's Harry Anslinger convinced American politicians that "marijuana" would make white women run off with black jazz musicians.

It was very clever because the medical establishment was caught looking as they had never heard of the hermaphroditic-sounding "Mary/Juan-a," but they were very familiar with the medicinal qualities of cannabis hemp.
and nothing has changed, they use terrorist as an excuse to try to seal the border to Mexico, despite the fact that the 9/11 terrorist that this fear campaign is based ALL came in through Canada...Oddly, we've barely fucked with that border...but yea, its because of the terrorist, not the failing drug war or trying to keep immigrants out...fun stuff...


We only desegregated 50 years ago. What a struggle it was, too.(?) Well, most blacks are still poor or in jail.


Well-Known Member
And honestly, 50 yrs later and its really still not done...Now people are just slicker about they're racism, I'm not sure its gone anywhere to be honest...


Well-Known Member
And it is all the whitemans fault right!!!!!
The black kid next to me in class had the same learning chance that i did.
But because he choose not to apply himself and fall back on that old crutch that whitey is keeping his people and family down is a crock of shit.
Same old lame fucking story of passing the buck and blame every one else but who is standing in the mirror.
This is why our country has become a shit hole(along with all the fucking ILLEGAL Immigrants)

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
And it is all the whitemans fault right!!!!!
The black kid next to me in class had the same learning chance that i did.
But because he choose not to apply himself and fall back on that old crutch that whitey is keeping his people and family down is a crock of shit.
Same old lame fucking story of passing the buck and blame every one else but who is standing in the mirror.
This is why our country has become a shit hole(along with all the fucking ILLEGAL Immigrants)
It is not the fault of any one race. Racism is stupid and can cut both ways. Playing the race card when it doesn't apply is lame and shirks responsibilty. That doesn't mean there isn't a disproportionate number of black guys in jail. There is and they have been targeted and discriminated against in the past and yes still quite often today. Your point that reverse discrimination is often used is a good one, that happens too.

I'd love to see a time when nobody was put in jail for weed.