Ender's 4,000w Hydro 12-site (6x White Russian, 5x G13xHaze, 1x PurpleWreck) + CO2!


Well-Known Member
Alright ladies and gentlemen, here we go..
I took some pictures of my indoor plants, as well as my outdoor plants.
My indoor are still in veg obviously, but my outdoor are about halfway through flowering.
Indoors i have a couple that are slightly behind the rest (the 2x bluewidow, and 1x purplewreck),
as well as 2 that are new sprouts about a week old (1x pineapple express, 1x white widow)..
Other than that, there are 3x white russian and 3x g13haze that are looking great, but there is
1 left out of the 12 that may need to be replaced so we'll see how that goes. Anyway, ENJOY!

IMG_5519.JPG IMG_5520.JPG IMG_5533.JPG IMG_5534.JPG
IMG_5531.JPG Blue Widows: IMG_5521.JPG IMG_5522.JPG
PurpleWreck: IMG_5527.JPG IMG_5528.JPG Pineapple Express: IMG_5530.JPG

And here are all the outdoor plants.. Theres 6 total but 2 of them are bigger than the rest.

IMG_5502.JPG IMG_5504.JPG IMG_5506.JPG IMG_5515.JPG
IMG_5501.JPG IMG_5512.JPG IMG_5509.JPG

Hope you all enjoyed this update! Sorry it took so long..
As soon as everything gets a little bigger ill be posting another update!
Thanks once again to everybody whos following!


Well-Known Member
Yeesh, you guys gave me such a hard time about updating, and then when i update nobody says a word! I hear crickets chirping!


Active Member
Haha. Nice man, looking good. What kind of soil is in the smart pots? I am really thinking about making some super soil and enjoying the easy life. I'm so tired of ph and nutrients. Lol. I think I devised a rig to auto water all of my plants though, I just need a timer that I can pit on three day rotations.


Active Member
Ribit ribit got a frog too lol looking good they sure are getting big. at least u got crickets and frogs in your journal all my crickets were eaten by the frog then frog starved to death now it's just the sound of well nothing lol Keep up the good work . Just subscribed guess that's why wasn't getting the updates . Late


Well-Known Member
Upinthemguts - Yea its a pain sometimes, but I like having all the control over nutrients and whatnot you know? Plus having to hand-water would be a huge pain, not to mention a mess sometimes, as well as the fact that soil comes with other possible problems/concerns that hydro prevents. But anyway the outside plants in the smartpots are in soil called "Empire Builder". Its amazing soil, and cheap too! Its got everything you can possibly think of in it, all kinds of stuff, multiple different kinds of "meal", and guano's and all sorts of goodies including beneficials, its great. Look for it, i promise you wont regret using it. Its probably one of the best all-inclusive super-soils you can buy commercially.

The rest of you - thanks for the compliments! Although im really getting frustrated at how slowly and poorly they are growing. It may look like they blew up out of nowhere, but it took them a while to get that big.. Ive been measuring their height every-other day, and each time i measure its a difference of about 0.75".. So that means they're growing barely more than a quarter inch a day!! Not even 0.5" a day.. Thats pathetic. Im using killer nutrients and additives, as well as running 1500ppm of CO2 nonstop!! Every week when i change my reservoir, i try something different - i've tried giving them tons of additives, ive tried giving them NO additives and just straight base nutrients.. Ive tried more, ive tried less.. I just dont get it. And on top of the slow growth, some of the plants leaves look like they have a slight deficiency, which should NOT be possible whatsoever. They are getting everything they need - a full dose of PureblendPro, as well as a full dose of CalMag.. and again, ive tried doing more and less, so it makes no difference. Just all around frustrating, and i dont understand why. They should be flourishing with lush vigorous growth. But instead they're like snails, slowly growing, and not looking as good as id like them to look. Makes me want to rip my hair out. For those of you who have been following since the beginning, you know i havent overlooked a single detail - for example, adding the water chiller, and adding the circulation pump to the reservoir, etc.. Ive done everything to make this grow perfect. *sigh*.. just so frustrating.


Active Member
Man, I hate seeing you down like this, but I understand where you're.coming from. Sparing no expense and buying everything you did, you would think you would be forced to take hedge trimmers to them to slow them down. Maybe the brand of nutrients you're using is the problem? I don't remember what brand you're using, but I was using advanced nutrients until I discovered canna. The advanced nutrients ph would swing like crazy and the salt buildup was insane. The canna is so easy, the ph is stable and there is no buildup. It grows a happier looking plant too. I think an is like feeding your kids candy and canna is like giving them carrots and peas. My plants grew so fast on the an but I always had problems with them clogged everything up. Every time I adjusted ph (always ph up!) It would efervess ( I think that is the word, it would fizz up, the reaction of adding base to acid) and the ph up would leave a blue residue at the bottom of the res, I always had blue sludge, even when I added it to water before adding to the res. Idk man, my plants get me down sometimes too. I have had all of my plants on 12/12 to sex them, the plan is to flip back to veg as soon as they let me identify them. The problem is, one of my plants is out performing all of the rest, the stem is thicker than a pencil already, the rest are half that size, I am pretty sure it is going to be male, I think I see some male pre flowers developing. If it is male that tells me all of the rest are genetically inferior and keeping them might be a bad idea. But thankfully I think one of the unidentified plants is g13 and it is looking pretty good too. Man I am babbling, sound like my wife....


Well-Known Member
Whats goind on with this plant it has blue looking veins....Very nice op you have here.Always takes time to get the kinks out of a new OP.They look water logged and some nute problems also.


Friendly Caregiver

Well-Known Member
Ender, they still have a long time to go. What, another 40 days? By the time that comes around, these plants will be huge and flourishing with nugs.


Well-Known Member
As far as being waterlogged, im flooding every 3 hours for 15 minutes.. Isnt that pretty standard?

As far as nutrient problems, they are getting plenty of nutrients, including calmag.
So im not sure why they are showing nutrient deficiency symptoms. They should be flourishing.
Like i said, ive tried giving them LESS, ive tried giving them MORE, ive tried everything..

But perhaps the brand of nutrients im using IS the problem?
Its the first time ive used a 1-part organic based nutrient (pureblend pro)..
Ive always used synthetic chemical based nutrients with no problems til now.
So maybe ill try using some normal non-organic nutrients and see if that helps.
I'll go to the growshop today and look into the canna, etc. and make a choice.
I'll let you guys know what i end up getting, and then ill let you know if it helps.

I certainly hope it helps, because 0.35" or so a day is simply unacceptable.

I'll keep you all posted. Thanks for hanging in there with me and following along.


Well-Known Member
Good luck man it will come just get it dialed in and you will be rewarded.
Dont get down on yourself if you have ever done Soiless you know there
will be a few isssues for sure when trying new Nutes.



Well-Known Member
UPDATE - Ok guys so i bought some new nutrients a couple days ago to see if perhaps that could be the issue. Ive been using Botanicare PureBlendPro 1-part semi-Organic base nutrient, which is the first time ive ever used a 1-part or semi-organic base nutrient. I dont see why that would be causing the problems, but i figured it wouldnt hurt to switch over to a 3-part synthetic nutrient for a while to see if things dont start looking better. So i picked up some Advanced Nutrients 3-part Grow-Micro-Bloom.. I changed my reservoir out and am running JUST the base nutrients with no additives at all, just so i can gauge the difference in growth well. I'll let everybody know how it goes, and take pictures in a couple days.

ALSO - I noticed something interesting when i was changing out my reservoir.. It was running its fill cycle, and i was ready to drain the reservoir, so i manually switched it to the "drain" cycle.. Upon doing this, the "drain" pump started humming like usual, but NO WATER WAS PUMPING out of the control box back into the reservoir! So i turned it off and back on again, and it started draining into the reservoir like normal.. Well this was kind of a red flag to me, because what if this happened without me noticing it? Like during a cycle, and the drain pump for whatever reason did this same thing, it would literally leave all the buckets filled with water until the next cycle (3-4 hours later).. And thats NOT good. So if thats whats happening, they could easily be waterlogged and stunted or whatever else it might cause.. However after i re-filled the reservoir with the new nutrients, i watched the cycle run and everything went smooth like normal, and ive been checking every so often and havent found the control box filled with water during the drain cycle or anything yet. So im guessing it doesnt happen very often, but even if it happens at all it could cause big problems. So i ordered a replacement pump just in case. Hopefully this will solve my problems. We'll see.

So with the 2 things listed above, im making an effort to solve whatever issues there might be, and get these babies kicked into full gear. I'd like to see AT LEAST 2" A DAY! And once things start going smoother, ill be updating much more often, and you guys will be in for much more of a treat, especially during bloom! Because once i get past this, ill be back to running full strength nutrients, a full-line of additives, and pure CO2 enrichment, into a perfect environment, full of amazing plant genetics! So stay tuned..

Thanks to everybody who has hung in there with me, and i promise you will be glad you did. I'll update with feedback and pics soon.


Active Member
You will see rapid growth with an. I got over a foot in a week when I was using an. I just didn't like the crazy amount of salt buildup plus the ph swings, buttthey have a newer line out with a ph buffer in it, I think it has gorillas on the three part bottles. That sucks about your pump, I bet that is the whole cause, there is no telling how many times and for how long they got stuck in stagnate stale water. Would it be possible to add an airstone to every bucket just in case it happened again, kind of like insurance...?


Active Member
I am pretty sure my unidentified plant (the other one was male so it was most likely a berry bomb since all my free seeds were fem seeds) is a g13 haze. I am getting those distinctive sharp serrated shark tooth looking leaves on the larger fan leaves. I forced them to flower to show sex, hopefully that doesn't stress them and bite me in the ass, but it gave me a tiny sample of their scents they will have in flowering. The bb doesn't really stand out as anything special but the g13 has a very unique scent to it, I don't even know how to explain it. I am sure it will change after an actual 12/12 cycle is maintained for several weeks. The bb does not like the same level of nutes as the g13, they are showing signs of over feeding and the g13 still wants more. This could make things interesting. Do you know how many phenos of g13 there are by chance? I guess with the bb I got 2 different phenos. Fuel and blueberry is what it looks like right now, but I don't want to count my chickens before they hatch.


Active Member
I hope those fix your problems bro. Seems like you have a handle on everything. Cant wait to see the results! I have never used a 1-part base just because I didnt feel it did the job. I hope that way all it was and she takes off now for ya! Since you switched to AN base will you switch to there full line next grow? Also I have been hearing a lot of good things about Cyco's line up. Im thinking I will give them a go next grow to compare them to AN.


Well-Known Member
I used the Vitalink? easy range once. It worked OK (got reasonable GPW results) but I had to re-set the pH every couple of days.
Now I use a 2-part (canna Aqua), I set it once, re-set after 24 hrs and it stays stable for a week.
I have moved house so it could possibly be related to the water supply but I doubt it.