England-Like Security Finding A Place In US


Well-Known Member
nobody has commented.... maybe nobody cares since the monitoring is being done by an all-holy private corporation......


New Member
shit is fucked....the only companies actively hiring around here are a FEW giants like home depot....and walmart has a couple openings...other than that, it's just state-titled manufacturers of military "toys" for the government. the message to me is clear: get onboard with creating weaponry to destroy other ppl's lives....or do WITHOUT a job....

fuck the government....fuck the ruling class (every politician is a wealthy, lazy control freak) <----pretty much all I ever need to rant about in RIU's political forum


Well-Known Member
i'm having a difficult time finding what anyone is getting upset about. all i took away from story was that property owners were gaining the capacity to feed their monitored video feeds directly to the police if they so choose, eliminating the need to describe a crime in progress. can you fault someone for wanting to protect their property in the most expedient possible manner? if the authorities were to bypass the owners i would see it as an infringement, but this isn't the case. it takes the decision of the owner or the security firm hired by the owner to give police access to those cameras.


Active Member
The only people that would be worried about this are people who are up to no good anyway,I would rather be told by police they stopped someone breaking into my place than they didn't lol