Enough for a search warrant?


Active Member
Jayfury not sure which of the states your in but heres the deal. All medi grows are technically illegal by federal laws. States who have med cards are just basically saying ok we will allow it but we can arrest you for it if we want since the fed laws over power state laws. Some cities will allow it but the county mor state troops may get you. Now these states each have their own variation. in cali a card member can grow outdoors with proper papers so what your saying is only correct to your case but even if your in a so called legal grow state the feds, state, city or county can still bust you at will since it is a federal crime and they can enforce it. That said the case is now in front of the Fl supreme court and now the federal supreme court. Cops have been allowed to walk dogs up to your door and look for a signal then get a warrant and kick in so thats legal as of today in most states. If his neighbors saw them and complained the local cops would more then likely not come right away but would start snooping ie looking at garbage at the curb as that legal for them to do.. They may watch traffic at the house...They may stop by on bullshit like looking for some fake person to get an eye from the door. They may also come asking to come in and look due to a possible complaint. Kind of depends on the area and what the norm is. A complaint is enough to get the ball rolling so yes be cautious.

None of this is disagreeing with what I said, except you dont believe a search warrant would be given. I am in RI, and here, you cannot grow outdoors. Cali, yeah you can. Obviously it varies from state to state... Obviously it is Federally Illegal, Im not retarded... The feds wont bother you if your in compliance with state law.... USUALLY.... Sometimes they do bother you. Maybe Im a little bit more educated in the law od warrants because I went to school for Criminal Justice, but I can guarantee this..... If your not in Cali, and your growing outdoors, and someone sees it and decides to call the cops.... Expect your door to be knocked on minimum, but I bet you will be looking at a warrant.... They will get the warrant on the grounds that they "dont know" whether its a legal medical grow or not... Kick down the door and wreck your shit FIRST, ask questions later....


Well-Known Member
Cops love kicking down doors
And for grows, even if you are growing in the living room in plain site. They are going to knock down walls. just becuase they think it is fun


Active Member
If they are bored thats all they need...just knock knock and I smell marijuana..and you can grow outside here in AZ it has to be surrounded by a 10' wall and some other shit but it is "legal"..
Best thing is to not answer the door, if your growin or smokin any kind of herbs and law enforcement comes to the door dont open it, if you open it your fucked, they can easily lie and say they smell weed even if they dont just to get in. Doesnt matter if they see you in the house so what, what they gonna do? Cant get a warrant because you see me walkin through my house, haha. No open windows either


In the UK, if arrested the police can issue a search warrant (ie not signed by judge/magistrate) to investigate the crime you are charged with. theoretically if arrested on suspicion of a drug related offence they can search your property but must have resonable cause to do so.

If the police do arrest you, they can also enter and search any premises where you were during or immediately before the arrest. They can search only for evidence relating to the offence for which you have been arrested, and they must have reasonable grounds for believing there is evidence there. They can also search any premises occupied by someone who is under arrest for certain serious offences. Again, the police officer who carries out the search must have reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is evidence on the premises relating to the offence or a similar offence

Not sure if similar powers exist in the us. but be careful

Moses Mobetta

Well-Known Member
actually if they filled out a signed statement its YES..............
True too bad too but that's all it takes , a statement and the search warrant is issued . Someone could break into your house and do it , recieve immunity for robbing you and you get busted .